Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dabbling in Fitness: Yes I Will 5K!

Last weekend I ran another 5K. It was a bit ambitious, considering the Full Moon 5K was 2 weeks prior.

Regardless, I signed up for the good cause and convinced my friend Trevor to run it with me. Running with a friend is always so much fun! :)

It was a bit hot and a bit humid even though the race didn't start until 6:30 p.m. Because of the humidity (or maybe the fact that I didn't run at all between races?) I had to walk more than I anticipated. Trevor was nice enough to walk with me - even though he totally didn't need the walk breaks.

The course was nice - from the Capitol to the Goodman Pool. We ran along the same bike path we ran part of the Full Moon on so it was nice to have some familiar (and relatively hill-less) territory to run on.

Chris decided not to run with us this time - so he was at the finish line to take some photos!
^ Running in

^ Feeling so good at the end I was able to throw up double-thumbs-up!

^ Best finish time yet! :)

After the race there was a fun pool party for participants. Goodman Pool has 2 water slides - SUPER fun! Chris & I hung out for awhile before heading out to get some dinner after the race. Makes us want to spend more time in the water, for sure!

I have a few more posts in mind - so until next time - happy dabbling! :)

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