Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dabbling in Adventure: Staycation Adventures

First off - this post is LONG overdue. For that, I apologize.

Exactly one month ago today, Chris & I returned to reality after our 6 day "Staycation."

We spent the first 3 days enjoying various spots in Wisconsin and the last 3 days enjoying friends and family in Dubuque.

First up: Milwaukee for my birthday.
We started the day at one of my favorite places - the zoo! Doesn't matter what zoo it is, what animals they have or how much it costs for us to get in. I LOVE ZOOS.

I took a ton of photos, but will only share a few here:
^ Chris compares his size to a baby Gorilla.
^ I compare my size to a baby Gorilla!
^ One of my birthday presents from Chris - a stuffed Red Panda! (He says the red panda is my "spirit animal." It's true. I love them.)

After the Zoo we tried to do a tour of the Sprecher Brewery - but we were too late. So, since we needed to get to Summerfest, we trekked out to Veterans Park and snagged a paddleboat to kill a little time before the Hall & Oates concert (more on that in a second!!).
^ Loving the Paddleboat! Can't wait to try one on the Madison lakes. :)

After our paddleboat adventure, we walked along the Lake Michigan Lakefront (which is GORGEOUS) to the Summerfest grounds. It was a nice little walk.

Once on the Summerfest grounds we wandered a bit and got some dinner.
Then, for my birthday (err... the first night of Summerfest), there was a fireworks show!
^ Fireworks for my birthday/Summerfest

Then, it was the main event - the main reason for a day-long foray in Milwaukee (The City of Brewers? I have no idea what they call Milwaukee): HALL. AND. OATES.

That's right, we got to see them live for my golden birthday. It was amazing. Amazing.
While my camera battery was dead (super sad!),  my cell phone managed to snap a few photos in the concert.
^ This is from the second encore.

After the concert, we drove home for some shut eye prior to our big adventures.

Next up on the staycation agenda: 2 days, 1 night in the Wisconsin Dells!

Once we checked into our hotel room we set out for adventure. First stop: Lost Canyon.
The canyon offers up a horse and wagon ride through the Canyon. It's beautiful! One of the first rock formations we saw was the eagle:

The tour was very fun and we saw a ton of pretty scenery... but it only took us about 90 minutes. Sooo... we found a spot where you can feed alligators and other reptiles: Alligator Alley!

^ We didn't feed any of the reptiles - but got plenty of photos. They were kind of creepy!

^ This albino toad was SUPER creepy. It kept flicking its tongue out at me while I was trying to take photos - which kept scaring me!

Once we finished up our time at Alligator Alley, we grabbed some dinner and spent time relaxing in our hotel room.

We'd originally planned to go on a boat tour Thursday night, but we got to the ticket stand too late for the last boat tour of the night. So, Friday morning the first order of business (after breakfast, of course) was to hit the boat tours! We opted for the Upper Dells tour. It was GORGEOUS. (Super hot, but still gorgeous.) I took WAY too many photos to share here, but will share this one:
^ One one of the land stops, they had a dog trainer jump from one rock to another. Usually they  have a dog do it - but it was too hot for the dogs that day. They do this to emulate one of the Dells most famous photos. Very cool.

Once we finished up the boat tour we spent a little time at the outlet mall (I got some new jeans) and then climbed into the car and drove to Spring Green for "The Critic" at American Players Theater.
^ The stage. APT is an outdoor theater group. It was so amazing! I can't wait to go back for another show.

We hadn't really planned out Saturday. After sleeping in for just a bit we decided to hit up Cave of the Mounds on our way to Dubuque. I am SO glad we did. Although, now I want to go on cave tours every weekend!

Everything inside the cave was beautiful. Stunning.
^ One of the many beautiful things to see inside the Cave. Awesome.

After the cave, we hit up Dubuque for some 4th of July celebrations with friends and family. I didn't take any photos - my SD cards were full! I'm sure the next time we're in Dubuque we'll be sure to take photos of our crazy Iowan adventures. :)

Until next time - happy dabbling! Go out and get a little adventure...


So. I got done with this post and Chris noticed that I completely skipped part of our adventure: The Deer Park!

After we went on the boat trip, we went out into the heat to feed deer. It was awesome.

There were tons of deer and they came right up to you to take the food. It was really fun interacting with animals so closely.

Of course, the park is home to more animals than just deer (goats, horses, rabbits, raccoons, LEMURS!) - and Chris loved the three little pigs in particular.

After an hour or so, we went on with our staycation - mostly because we really needed some air conditioning! It was sweltering that day.

I promise more blogs are coming... Just have to carve out a little time here and there. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to provide a few project updates...

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