Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dabbling in Crafts: Blankets for charity

(Okay - so I have a little time and I'll use it to blog and procrastinate doing other things, you lucky readers, you!)

Back in October I whipped out 5 blankets for our United Way raffle at work. I was actually pretty excited to make them and tested out a new technique that saved me a slew of time and quite a bit of money on supplies.

Since the raffle was for everyone at work and not everyone has a baby or needs a baby blanket, I decided to make a few "adult" blankets in addition to a few baby blankets. It was actually a lot of fun to pick out all of the fabric and put them together.

I went without the ribbon edging this time - simply stitching the blankets together, turning them right-side out and then doing a second seam to give them a "finished" look. I think they turned out really well!

Here are the "adult" blankets - since we're in Madison, I made a Badgers blanket and a Packers blanket. I should've also put together a Brewers one - but JoAnn's was out of Brewers fleece. (They were still in the hunt for the World Series at the time and Brewers Fever was certainly catching!)

Now I REALLY want to make a Hawkeye blanket for our living room - just have to find the time & the money to do it!

Here are the baby blankets - I decided to make 3. One for a little boy, one for a little girl and one that could be used for either. These were a little harder to make because the minky material is pretty slippery and the baby-themed materials were stretchier than the fleece - but they really turned out quite nicely:
The little girl material is one of my favorites and I really do like the baby feet for blankets as well. Maybe I'll have to just buy a bolt of each and start whipping out blankets to have on hand. ;)

All in all, this design is super simple - each baby blanket took maybe 30 minutes and each adult blanket took roughly 1 hour. The hardest part was finding a place big enough to lay out the material and get it all cut to size! Hopefully that Hawkeye blanket will become a reality by the end of the year. I'm really excited to put it together! :)

Until next time - happy dabbling! :)

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