Monday, June 27, 2011

Dabbling in Fitness: Tackling a Tri

So, I've decided to try a tri. Not a full triathlon - a sprint triathlon.

Just a few months ago, the idea of a triathlon kind of petrified me. But, a few weekends ago, I went to one as a spectator (and cheerleader) and it was so inspiring to watch the athletes in action - that it made me start doing some more research.

Here are 3 of the athletes that helped me realize that I want to do this - and that I can do this:
Teresa Mackin, Brian Holzgraefe & Jamie Hersch are a few of my awesome co-workers. The trained for several months and then participated in the Capitol View Triathlon.

Now, admittedly, I'm not in nearly as good of shape as they were when they started, so I know that I need to take more time to train. So - I have a plan.

Starting after the holiday, I am going to use swimming, biking and running to get in shape. Apparently, a triathlon training program is a GREAT way to get in shape and avoid injury because of all of the cross-training it provides.

I've taken the past few weeks to really think about it and read a few articles to see what training is needed. Thankfully, because the distances aren't terribly intimidating, it doesn't take a terribly intensive training program to get ready for sprint tri. You start with a half-mile swim, transition onto a bike that you ride for 12 miles and then finish off with a 5K. And by training for all three - you're hitting all major areas of your body when you work out.

So, I've got some of the 5K running training down. I know that is a do-able distance for me. I'm fairly comfortable biking - although I haven't biked more than 3 miles at a time for a long time. The swimming is the part that I think I'll be the most nervous about - but if I start working up to the swimming part of it all now, I think by next June (the next Capitol View Triathlon - the race I hope to be ready for) comes around, I'll be comfortable enough to do the swim.

Now, I have read several training guides, but this one from Women's Health looks fairly comprehensive and easy to follow - plus, it uses tips from Barrie Shepley, Canada's former Olympic and National Triathlon Team coach:

In addition to the swimming, biking and running, I'm planning to work in some yoga to keep my muscles limber and loose. The local yoga studio I have always wanted to try is offering new students their first month of unlimited yoga for $40. Hopefully that will help me find a few classes that are at convenient times and work well for me. :)

I also recently read an article about making time to exercise that had some really good tips. The biggest one: Make an Appointment. I think if I tinker around with my schedule before and after work a little, I'll be able to find the ideal balance for working out/training. Ideally, I'll run 3 times a week, bike 2 times a week, take 2 yoga classes a week and swim once a week. The key will simply be to find the best balance with work and spending time with Chris & Dexter.

I know that my plan is ambitious. But, I think if I'm able to stick with it, it will be good in the end. Besides - it gives me an opportunity to get into a routine before the winter - so that I can more easily substitute in gym workouts for running and bike riding - and if I'm in the routine of running as the weather changes, maybe I'll actually put my cold weather running gear to use! :) Additionally, by starting with the training now, I think I'll be in better shape to take a "break" if needed over part of the winter and I can start up again in March (since the training plan is 12 weeks long).

Once I get closer to the triathlon, I'll need to start thinking more about gear. I don't think I'll purchase a special road or triathlon bike - there are local stores that offer rental bikes. I need to think more about purchasing a wet suit. That is another item that can be rented locally - and I want to know for sure if I'll use the wetsuit routinely before I invest $200-300 in one. There are lots of gear options, just like with any sport, but I think for my first triathlon I'll be okay without purchasing too many high-end items. Plus - I can put some of the lower-priced items on my Christmas list! :)

In the meantime, I need to keep my motivation. For that, I'm going to need help! Ideally, I'd have a couple of friends willing to sign up and train with me - but I know that a triathlon can be really intimidating! (See my reaction earlier this year: YIKES!) So - if you see me in real life, ask me how training is going. If you read my blog regularly (instead of seeing me in real life) and I don't update - comment and ask me how it's going. And if I seem discouraged about the training - offer up some words of encouragement - they really do help!

So until next time - when I'm planning on an awesome post about date nights! - happy dabbling. :)

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