So - it's been 2 1/2 weeks. And I'm stuck.
I've lost 7 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks - which is AWESOME. I realize that - I have people at work telling me they can see a difference and that I look great and that is so incredibly nice to hear. It makes me feel great!
But I haven't lost any additional weight since the attack phase - and that is frustrating. I've been REALLY good about not cheating. While I did have a margarita on Friday - I made the decision to get the "skinny" (diet mix) one instead of something with more sugar and calories. Even though I would seriously give my entire shoe collection away (and pretty much anything you'd ask for) just for one serving of french fries or one baked potato - I've not ordered any potato products or cooked any at home. That's the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. I LOVE potatoes. I can't even explain how much I love them. It's probably unhealthy.
I keep telling myself it's a combination of 3 things:
1 - hormones. That monthly "gift" changes the hormones in your system and can make it harder to lose weight. Okay.
2 - muscle mass changes. The Jillian Michaels dvd is a strength training dvd - which is supposed to build and tone muscle mass. Some of that work *might* be counteracting weight loss reflected on the scale.
3 - inconsistent exercising. While I'm usually really good about working out 3 or 4 days a week - I need to be better about doing it 7 days a week. I need to run more (I have a 5K in 12 flipping days...) and I need to stop wimping out on yoga in the morning and pushing off the 30 Day Shred dvd until "tomorrow" because I'm tired or busy or whatever. I need to make a stronger commitment...
But - week 3 hasn't been all bad. I've been doing all protein again this week because I'm going to take this weekend "off" for Chris's 30th birthday celebration. I'll try to exercise some self control because I don't want to gain back all 7 pounds in one weekend... and I'll try to work in some exercise over the weekend as well. So, in doing that, I've figured out a few things that *seem* to be working for me.
Breakfast - warm oat bran with milk and one packet of Splenda
Lunch - 2 poached eggs
Snack - one cheese stick or a few bites of crab
Dinner - protein only - I'm trying to stick to fish or chicken... I've decided I should only do beef one time a week. I feel like eating lots of beef and lots of dairy as snacks is potentially another reason the weight loss has slowed.
I also created a DELICIOUS new smoothie:
1/2 cup plain frozen yogurt
1/2 cup fat free skim milk
Large dash cinnamon
Blend together until smoothie.
It is so simple and SO delicious. I can't even explain it. I can't believe I hadn't tried it before. It works wonders to satisfy a sweet-tooth craving and is just enough to be satisfying if you REALLY want a snack or dessert after dinner. Chris likes them too! Which is surprising - every other smoothie I've made with frozen yogurt he hasn't liked. :)
As a bit of a reward to myself - I bought 2 new pairs of shoes and planned out 2 extra fun outfits for Chris's 30th birthday extravaganza. I'll make sure he (or someone) gets a few shots of me all decked out in the figure fitting outfits and the super hot new shoes (which are pictured below - you didn't think I'd be able to stop myself from posting the shoes, did you??)
Until next time - happy dabbling (and dieting)!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Dabbling in Adventure: Doggie Weekend! (Plus - beekeeping!)
As I mentioned last time, we spent the weekend focused on Dexter.
Saturday: New Harness, Puppies on Parmenter
Now, we should've known better than to take Dexter to PetSmart before going to an event centered around dogs...
He was CRAZY excited. Last weekend Dexter broke his harness - so we needed a new one. We took Dexter in to PetSmart to try on the various harnesses we liked because we wanted to make sure we got one that fit. Big mistake. he was so distracted and wanted to play with EVERYONE. We managed to find a harness (Kong harness - it looks pretty sturdy) and get out of the store pretty quickly.
Then we went to the OccuPaws Puppies on Parmenter event. To start out - we were behind the big group walk. We tried meeting some of the guide dogs in training, but as part of their training I guess they're not supposed to be as social as our little monster, so the trainers were a little hesitant to let the pups socialize with Dexter.
We started the walk and it was going pretty well. Dexter was happy to meet dogs and their owners. Chris and I were happy to trade off going into the participating stores and restaurants - and we even found a few places we'd like to check out again. Then Dex got a little spooked/upset by another dog. And after that a puppy guide dog in training jumped at him (wanting to say hi and play) - that's when he growled and snapped at the puppy and we had to go home. :(
Dexter didn't stop the less-than-wonderful puppy behavior there. While Chris and I were out, he climbed up onto the counter and grabbed my sealed tupperware container of cookies - and ate them ALL. (Chris thinks he was able to jump and knock them off - but I think they were pushed too far back for that.)
Despite that - we still decided to have some fun on Sunday: Dogs on the Square.
Dogs on the Square is a fundraiser for Capitol K9s - the MPD K9 officer program. It was AWESOME.
You get to walk around the square and have your dog participate in different challenges. They were all pretty basic - but some stuff Dex hasn't done before - like go up and down an a-frame ladder (like on dog competitions!) and going through a tunnel and jumping hurdles. He was a CHAMP! He nailed every challenge. (Well, except the "leave a treat" one - Chris had to hold the leash tight to keep him back - but who expects him to leave a treat that someone just puts in front of him??)
One he was SUPER good at was the tennis ball find - one of the MPD officers rubbed a tennis ball in her hands and Dex had to find the one with the smell. He ROCKED it!
Aside from the challenges, the MPD K9 officers also did demonstrations. The dogs are super highly trained - and it was impressive to see them do their stuff up close (although, I NEVER want to experience a take down by a K9 officer - YIKES).
Now - even though it was HOT and humid - and Dex basically refused to drink any water all day - he was the PERFECT dog. He was polite to all of the other dogs. He wasn't overly excitable. He waited patiently in line (well, most of the time) and he only stole one treat. He was well behaved even when we went inside Tabby & Jack's on the square - leaving all of the toys and bones at snout level alone!
After Dogs on the Square, we brought Dex home for some time in the air conditioning. While he cooled off, Chris and I went across town to hang out with our good friends Ryan & Christie - and their adorable daughter Ceci. Ryan and Christie tend their own honeybee hives in their backyard - and this weekend Ryan got new bees! They asked us to come over and help with some of the beekeeping. It was super cool! Chris did most of the helping - and I admit - I'm a little jealous I didn't offer to help instead...
While Ryan, Christie & Chris tended to the bees (they were making sure all of the hive trays were clean, that the bees did okay over the winter and rotating the trays to keep a more consistent/even honey production) I took pictures and played with this adorable little ball of energy:
We painted, played baseball, played on the swingset and played Ring Around the Rosey until I was too dizzy to stand up! It was so much fun! :) We always say that we don't see the Kings nearly enough - and it's always the truth! They're always a blast to hang out with - and we usually end up getting to do some pretty cool stuff with them - like beekeeping. Seriously, did you do anything nearly as cool with your weekend?
Before I hit "publish" and dive into a blog about the Dukan progress (or, rather, lack thereof), here's one of the beekeepers in action:
Until next time - happy dabbling (in adventure)!
Saturday: New Harness, Puppies on Parmenter
Now, we should've known better than to take Dexter to PetSmart before going to an event centered around dogs...
He was CRAZY excited. Last weekend Dexter broke his harness - so we needed a new one. We took Dexter in to PetSmart to try on the various harnesses we liked because we wanted to make sure we got one that fit. Big mistake. he was so distracted and wanted to play with EVERYONE. We managed to find a harness (Kong harness - it looks pretty sturdy) and get out of the store pretty quickly.
Then we went to the OccuPaws Puppies on Parmenter event. To start out - we were behind the big group walk. We tried meeting some of the guide dogs in training, but as part of their training I guess they're not supposed to be as social as our little monster, so the trainers were a little hesitant to let the pups socialize with Dexter.
We started the walk and it was going pretty well. Dexter was happy to meet dogs and their owners. Chris and I were happy to trade off going into the participating stores and restaurants - and we even found a few places we'd like to check out again. Then Dex got a little spooked/upset by another dog. And after that a puppy guide dog in training jumped at him (wanting to say hi and play) - that's when he growled and snapped at the puppy and we had to go home. :(
Dexter didn't stop the less-than-wonderful puppy behavior there. While Chris and I were out, he climbed up onto the counter and grabbed my sealed tupperware container of cookies - and ate them ALL. (Chris thinks he was able to jump and knock them off - but I think they were pushed too far back for that.)
Despite that - we still decided to have some fun on Sunday: Dogs on the Square.
Dogs on the Square is a fundraiser for Capitol K9s - the MPD K9 officer program. It was AWESOME.
You get to walk around the square and have your dog participate in different challenges. They were all pretty basic - but some stuff Dex hasn't done before - like go up and down an a-frame ladder (like on dog competitions!) and going through a tunnel and jumping hurdles. He was a CHAMP! He nailed every challenge. (Well, except the "leave a treat" one - Chris had to hold the leash tight to keep him back - but who expects him to leave a treat that someone just puts in front of him??)
One he was SUPER good at was the tennis ball find - one of the MPD officers rubbed a tennis ball in her hands and Dex had to find the one with the smell. He ROCKED it!
Aside from the challenges, the MPD K9 officers also did demonstrations. The dogs are super highly trained - and it was impressive to see them do their stuff up close (although, I NEVER want to experience a take down by a K9 officer - YIKES).
Now - even though it was HOT and humid - and Dex basically refused to drink any water all day - he was the PERFECT dog. He was polite to all of the other dogs. He wasn't overly excitable. He waited patiently in line (well, most of the time) and he only stole one treat. He was well behaved even when we went inside Tabby & Jack's on the square - leaving all of the toys and bones at snout level alone!
After Dogs on the Square, we brought Dex home for some time in the air conditioning. While he cooled off, Chris and I went across town to hang out with our good friends Ryan & Christie - and their adorable daughter Ceci. Ryan and Christie tend their own honeybee hives in their backyard - and this weekend Ryan got new bees! They asked us to come over and help with some of the beekeeping. It was super cool! Chris did most of the helping - and I admit - I'm a little jealous I didn't offer to help instead...
While Ryan, Christie & Chris tended to the bees (they were making sure all of the hive trays were clean, that the bees did okay over the winter and rotating the trays to keep a more consistent/even honey production) I took pictures and played with this adorable little ball of energy:
We painted, played baseball, played on the swingset and played Ring Around the Rosey until I was too dizzy to stand up! It was so much fun! :) We always say that we don't see the Kings nearly enough - and it's always the truth! They're always a blast to hang out with - and we usually end up getting to do some pretty cool stuff with them - like beekeeping. Seriously, did you do anything nearly as cool with your weekend?
Before I hit "publish" and dive into a blog about the Dukan progress (or, rather, lack thereof), here's one of the beekeepers in action:
Until next time - happy dabbling (in adventure)!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Dabbling in Dieting: Dukan week 2 - Ups & Downs
This week was slightly harder than I expected it to be for a few reasons: We were out of the house (and had to eat early and fairly quickly) two days this week. Additionally, a pure protein day seemed SO hard after having veggies the day before.
I know I blogged on Tuesday - so here are the ups, downs and a recipe I tried out.
Wednesday was awesome. It was a veggie day. We were able to work out after work. I really don't have much to say about it.
Thursday was tougher. Pure protein day - BUT I was able to test out something new for lunch (and get away from a plate full of cold luncheon meats).
Thanks to a suggestion by Marisa, I made a pure-protein approved tuna salad. I paired it with an oat bran "bun" that I got a recipe for off of
For the tuna salad:
Small can tuna (packed in water)
Heaping tablespoon plain greek yogurt
Spices to taste.
Simply mix it all together. I only used fresh ground black pepper - but some other spices to jazz it up would be good. Chives would be super good.
For the bun:
Baking powder1tsp
**I didn't have any wheat bran, so I substituted an additional tablespoon of oat bran.
**150g of yogurt is roughly 1/2 a cup.
The bun is a little dry for my taste - but it was good and a decent enough substitute for a piece of whole grain bread/toast.
Doing this GREATLY improved my lunch enjoyment on a pure protein day. Another tip: hot proteins are better if you're eating them alone. Marisa also gave me a tip that saving her favorite proteins for PP days made them go a little easier. I think it's a good tip. I also noticed that (especially for dinner) having a denser protein (like steak) alone for dinner is more satisfying than a lighter-weight protein by itself (like fish).
Thursday night was a little tough. We went to an awesome charity event for my co-worker John Beard. He is raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society through the Man of the Year campaign (donate here: He hosted a trivia night - moderated by Michael Feldman from NPR's "Whaddya Know" - at a local restaurant. He had some very lovely looking food trays brought in - a cheese tray and a hummus and olive tray. SO HARD to pass those up. (I admit, I had some cheese. A few small pieces.) Also, there was free beer - I opted for water.
Today I *did* cheat. Sort of. For lunch I had a Chicken Caesar Salad from Panera. Naturally, the dressing is not fat free. And I ate the croutons. Mostly because I forgot that I shouldn't eat them. Oops... Otherwise today's been pretty good. I was basically too busy to think about being hungry - so I'm pretty sure I wasn't! :)
There have been some down spots in the week. When I weighed myself yesterday morning - I'd GAINED a pound. WHAT?! Yeah. This morning I was the same weight. After losing weight without really thinking about last week, to gain a pound was mentally a stumble. I didn't work out at all Thursday or today - but that's kind of my MO. Work out at the beginning of the week, get tired and stop working out. Boo. I'd better quit that attitude for the next 2 weeks - I've signed up for Race for a Cure on June 4!
Speaking of - please consider donating to my Race for a Cure campaign:
I don't have a big goal -- $100 -- but I'd like to surpass it over the next 2 weeks!
One unexpected thing did happen today that made me feel REALLY good about my progress: out of the blue a co-worker gave me a really nice compliment - saying not only do I look "great" - but "noticeably WOW great." It's nice to know that not only do I feel more energetic and self confident because of the progress I'm making - but it's also visible to others. (And beyond that - to people who see me every day - which usually makes the steady progress a little harder to notice!)
While I've been LOVING the protein+veggie days this week - I think I'm going to switch over to the 5 PP days + 5 PV days for the next few weeks as my alternating PP/PV plan. Here's why: next weekend is Chris's 30th birthday and we have tons of fun stuff planned out and I'm sure I'll slip - and I'm sure that it'll make PP days MUCH harder. So I'm allowing myself next weekend as a "free" slip up weekend. I'll blog about what happens...
Also coming to the blog after next weekend: hopefully some awesome new pics of shiny new shoes and the outfits I'm planning for the party extravaganza. :)
Outside of Chris's birthday, we have some busy weekends planned. This weekend is all about Dexter. Tomorrow we're going to an OccuPaws (they train guide dogs) event called Puppies Parmenter. Sunday we're going to a fundraising event for Capitol K9s (Madison's K9 officers) called Dogs on the Square. Sunday's event has obstacles and other activities for dogs! Should make for an "active" weekend for us all. Then the weekend after Chris's birthday I'm running Race for the Cure. It'll be fun! :)
Well, we need to find some dinner soon... so until next time - happy dieting, dabbling and whatnot! :)
I know I blogged on Tuesday - so here are the ups, downs and a recipe I tried out.
Wednesday was awesome. It was a veggie day. We were able to work out after work. I really don't have much to say about it.
Thursday was tougher. Pure protein day - BUT I was able to test out something new for lunch (and get away from a plate full of cold luncheon meats).
Thanks to a suggestion by Marisa, I made a pure-protein approved tuna salad. I paired it with an oat bran "bun" that I got a recipe for off of
For the tuna salad:
Small can tuna (packed in water)
Heaping tablespoon plain greek yogurt
Spices to taste.
Simply mix it all together. I only used fresh ground black pepper - but some other spices to jazz it up would be good. Chives would be super good.
For the bun:
Baking powder1tsp
Fat Free Natural Yoghurt150g
Oat bran2 tbsp
Wheat bran1 tbsp
Mix the egg with the yoghurtAdd the bran, salt and baking powder and mix.Put the mix into two equal cups, that can be used in the microwave.Put into the microwave for 6 minutes, full power.Take out and put both of the buns onto a plate, upside down.Put back into the microwave for another 1-2 minutes.
**150g of yogurt is roughly 1/2 a cup.
The bun is a little dry for my taste - but it was good and a decent enough substitute for a piece of whole grain bread/toast.
Doing this GREATLY improved my lunch enjoyment on a pure protein day. Another tip: hot proteins are better if you're eating them alone. Marisa also gave me a tip that saving her favorite proteins for PP days made them go a little easier. I think it's a good tip. I also noticed that (especially for dinner) having a denser protein (like steak) alone for dinner is more satisfying than a lighter-weight protein by itself (like fish).
Thursday night was a little tough. We went to an awesome charity event for my co-worker John Beard. He is raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society through the Man of the Year campaign (donate here: He hosted a trivia night - moderated by Michael Feldman from NPR's "Whaddya Know" - at a local restaurant. He had some very lovely looking food trays brought in - a cheese tray and a hummus and olive tray. SO HARD to pass those up. (I admit, I had some cheese. A few small pieces.) Also, there was free beer - I opted for water.
Today I *did* cheat. Sort of. For lunch I had a Chicken Caesar Salad from Panera. Naturally, the dressing is not fat free. And I ate the croutons. Mostly because I forgot that I shouldn't eat them. Oops... Otherwise today's been pretty good. I was basically too busy to think about being hungry - so I'm pretty sure I wasn't! :)
There have been some down spots in the week. When I weighed myself yesterday morning - I'd GAINED a pound. WHAT?! Yeah. This morning I was the same weight. After losing weight without really thinking about last week, to gain a pound was mentally a stumble. I didn't work out at all Thursday or today - but that's kind of my MO. Work out at the beginning of the week, get tired and stop working out. Boo. I'd better quit that attitude for the next 2 weeks - I've signed up for Race for a Cure on June 4!
Speaking of - please consider donating to my Race for a Cure campaign:
I don't have a big goal -- $100 -- but I'd like to surpass it over the next 2 weeks!
One unexpected thing did happen today that made me feel REALLY good about my progress: out of the blue a co-worker gave me a really nice compliment - saying not only do I look "great" - but "noticeably WOW great." It's nice to know that not only do I feel more energetic and self confident because of the progress I'm making - but it's also visible to others. (And beyond that - to people who see me every day - which usually makes the steady progress a little harder to notice!)
While I've been LOVING the protein+veggie days this week - I think I'm going to switch over to the 5 PP days + 5 PV days for the next few weeks as my alternating PP/PV plan. Here's why: next weekend is Chris's 30th birthday and we have tons of fun stuff planned out and I'm sure I'll slip - and I'm sure that it'll make PP days MUCH harder. So I'm allowing myself next weekend as a "free" slip up weekend. I'll blog about what happens...
Also coming to the blog after next weekend: hopefully some awesome new pics of shiny new shoes and the outfits I'm planning for the party extravaganza. :)
Outside of Chris's birthday, we have some busy weekends planned. This weekend is all about Dexter. Tomorrow we're going to an OccuPaws (they train guide dogs) event called Puppies Parmenter. Sunday we're going to a fundraising event for Capitol K9s (Madison's K9 officers) called Dogs on the Square. Sunday's event has obstacles and other activities for dogs! Should make for an "active" weekend for us all. Then the weekend after Chris's birthday I'm running Race for the Cure. It'll be fun! :)
Well, we need to find some dinner soon... so until next time - happy dieting, dabbling and whatnot! :)
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Dabbling in Dieting: Return of the Veggies
I've never missed something as much as I missed vegetables last week. Holy cow! I was having salad dreams.
Yesterday vegetables returned to my life and I am SO happy about it. I celebrated by having a small salad at lunch and another at dinner. And by snacking on sugarsnap peas and sauteing mushrooms for a side.
(*As I'm writing this, I realize that "peas of any kind" are still on the no-no list. Oops.*)
For dinner last night I simply made up some salmon like I did last week and then sauteed the mushrooms in the Walden Farms Balsamic Vinaigrette that I bought this weekend. I did use too much dressing for the amount of mushrooms - but it was still tasty on the salmon. I do have to say - for fat, sugar, carb, calorie and gluten free -- both Walden Farms dressings I purchased are quite tasty. There's a slight aftertaste I can't *quite* identify - but it's not overpowering and the dressings themselves are good. (They aren't as good as a thick Blue Cheese dressing - which is admittedly my favorite - but they're better than almost every other fat free dressing I've ever tried.)
One thing I did yesterday that I've decided I need to be careful of in the future: eating lots of cheese sticks for snacks. I think that's probably a dangerous habit to get into. While I did find 5% milkfat mozzarella sticks, there are probably much better choices for a snack. BUT that the last one (cheesestick #3) I had before we left the house for a concert kept me from breaking down and getting a bowl of potato chips. I might miss potatoes more than anything. Either that or black beans. I LOVE potatoes (I'll eat them raw, fried, baked, boiled - you name it) and actually still have part of a small bag we purchased before the diet that I will likely need to throw away - and seeing them and the bags of potato chips in the cupboard is a bit difficult. Seriously - I think if I slip during Phase 2 it'll be for something made out of potatoes.
Anyone else have a weakness food right now?
One mental set back - my weight loss has slowed WAY down. However, when I picked up the Dukan book at Target and read part of it (get ready for an overshare...), it does say that you should avoid starting the diet within a week or so of your period. Mine started today. So I'm blaming the hormones for my minimal weight loss over the past few days. Well, that and the fact that I've been a tired, lazy bum and failed to exercise for four days in a row.
The not exercising HAS changed despite the fact that I am EXHAUSTED from those previously mentioned hormones. Yesterday I did manage to get up a little early to work in an abs yoga workout (15 minute yoga dvd). Today I was too tired to do that - BUT this afternoon I got an overwhelming urge to go for a run (WHAT?!) - so I went for a short run after I changed. I logged 1.5 miles in 30 minutes. AND I did it with only 3 walking breaks! That's quite an accomplishment because I have never, ever claimed to be a runner. And even when I was "training" for a 5K last spring/summer I took way more than 3 breaks every time I ran (although, I was running double the distance). Despite that, I'm proud of myself for resisting the urge to sit on the couch and watch tv and actually going out to run.
Speaking of running - I've decided to run the Madison Race for a Cure on June 4. Any locals who want to join me are more than welcome!! :) My friend Trevor says he'll run with me (he's been running like a fool lately and did a race up north this past weekend) - and for that I will be forever grateful! It's kind of depressing to sign up for a race and not know if you'll have any friends there to start with or know will be cheering for you at the finish line. (I'm usually behind everyone I know when I run - I'm uber-slow.) If we get a group going we might even start a "team" to raise a little more money for Komen.
Well, I should start prepping some stuff to eat tomorrow/later in the week. And make some dinner even though I'm (surprisingly) not hungry at all.
Until next time - happy dieting/exercising/dabbling... :)
Yesterday vegetables returned to my life and I am SO happy about it. I celebrated by having a small salad at lunch and another at dinner. And by snacking on sugarsnap peas and sauteing mushrooms for a side.
(*As I'm writing this, I realize that "peas of any kind" are still on the no-no list. Oops.*)
For dinner last night I simply made up some salmon like I did last week and then sauteed the mushrooms in the Walden Farms Balsamic Vinaigrette that I bought this weekend. I did use too much dressing for the amount of mushrooms - but it was still tasty on the salmon. I do have to say - for fat, sugar, carb, calorie and gluten free -- both Walden Farms dressings I purchased are quite tasty. There's a slight aftertaste I can't *quite* identify - but it's not overpowering and the dressings themselves are good. (They aren't as good as a thick Blue Cheese dressing - which is admittedly my favorite - but they're better than almost every other fat free dressing I've ever tried.)
One thing I did yesterday that I've decided I need to be careful of in the future: eating lots of cheese sticks for snacks. I think that's probably a dangerous habit to get into. While I did find 5% milkfat mozzarella sticks, there are probably much better choices for a snack. BUT that the last one (cheesestick #3) I had before we left the house for a concert kept me from breaking down and getting a bowl of potato chips. I might miss potatoes more than anything. Either that or black beans. I LOVE potatoes (I'll eat them raw, fried, baked, boiled - you name it) and actually still have part of a small bag we purchased before the diet that I will likely need to throw away - and seeing them and the bags of potato chips in the cupboard is a bit difficult. Seriously - I think if I slip during Phase 2 it'll be for something made out of potatoes.
Anyone else have a weakness food right now?
One mental set back - my weight loss has slowed WAY down. However, when I picked up the Dukan book at Target and read part of it (get ready for an overshare...), it does say that you should avoid starting the diet within a week or so of your period. Mine started today. So I'm blaming the hormones for my minimal weight loss over the past few days. Well, that and the fact that I've been a tired, lazy bum and failed to exercise for four days in a row.
The not exercising HAS changed despite the fact that I am EXHAUSTED from those previously mentioned hormones. Yesterday I did manage to get up a little early to work in an abs yoga workout (15 minute yoga dvd). Today I was too tired to do that - BUT this afternoon I got an overwhelming urge to go for a run (WHAT?!) - so I went for a short run after I changed. I logged 1.5 miles in 30 minutes. AND I did it with only 3 walking breaks! That's quite an accomplishment because I have never, ever claimed to be a runner. And even when I was "training" for a 5K last spring/summer I took way more than 3 breaks every time I ran (although, I was running double the distance). Despite that, I'm proud of myself for resisting the urge to sit on the couch and watch tv and actually going out to run.
Speaking of running - I've decided to run the Madison Race for a Cure on June 4. Any locals who want to join me are more than welcome!! :) My friend Trevor says he'll run with me (he's been running like a fool lately and did a race up north this past weekend) - and for that I will be forever grateful! It's kind of depressing to sign up for a race and not know if you'll have any friends there to start with or know will be cheering for you at the finish line. (I'm usually behind everyone I know when I run - I'm uber-slow.) If we get a group going we might even start a "team" to raise a little more money for Komen.
Well, I should start prepping some stuff to eat tomorrow/later in the week. And make some dinner even though I'm (surprisingly) not hungry at all.
Until next time - happy dieting/exercising/dabbling... :)
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Dabbling in Dieting: Dukan Day 7 - End of the Attack!
I did it. I made it 7 days on the Attack Phase. I'm still hardcore craving things that crunch - but I get veggies tomorrow and I've already started planning out a nice little snack involving some snow peas. :) Talk about a healthy reward!
This morning I was only down 0.4 pounds - but that's fine! :) It means total for the full week I'm down 5.8 pounds - which I'm just going to go ahead and round up to 6 pounds. I think I'd be down a little more if I'd done more working out the past few days - but I think since I didn't feel very good towards the end of the week it was a good idea to take it easy. I'll be back on the work out attack in the morning. Oh - and since February, I'm down 9 pounds! Woohoo! :)
Today wasn't too bad. I had a couple of large bottles of water - and three plain hamburger patties. The tough part was being at a friend's barbecue. A former co-worker is in town visiting, so we all got together for some celebrating and visiting. Everything that everyone brought looked AMAZING. Guacamole, chips, veggies and dip - oh, and some Sweet Escape Cupcakes. The host - Jacki - makes these incredibly delicious and incredibly creative cupcakes. I have no idea how I managed to not eat every single cupcake... but somehow I made it several hours without gorging myself on even one. I mean - she makes cupcakes with Reese's peanut butter cups baked INSIDE. So flippin' good. Maybe when I reach my goal weight I'll order a dozen and share them with people who'd like to celebrate with me. ;)
Anyway, I must be in the swing of protein only at this point because I was able to resist chips and guac (YUM) as well as the cupcakes. I just ate plain hamburger patties with some chopped onions. Which were also pretty darned good. I'm so glad grilling season is officially here!
The barbecue was so much fun - always nice to spend a few hours with really great company.
After the barbecue, we went grocery shopping. Somehow I managed to resist buying EVERY vegetable I saw. I also found some salad dressing that was suggested by Marisa (the friend who started me on this journey): Walden Farms - all of their dressings are fat free, sugar free, carb free, calorie free, gluten free. I grabbed a bottle of Honey Mustard vinaigrette and some Balsamic vinaigrette. I'm excited to try them on veggies as well as try them as sauces on some of our protein meals!
When we finally got home tonight I wasn't super hungry, but a little snacky and my sweet tooth was in full force after thinking some more about those cupcakes. So, I whipped up a double batch of oat bran cookies.
Now, these are a little more muffin than they are cookie - but they're still super good. I made a double batch because one batch only makes about 6 cookies.
Here's the recipe:
Baking powder1 tea spoon
**180 Celsius translates to 356 Fahrenheit
**I added 1 teaspoon of vanilla flavor per batch.
They're nice and a little bit sweet - but not too sweet. Plus one or two is just enough to take down a craving. Especially with a small glass of fat free skim milk.
Now that I'm on the "weight loss phase" which alternates protein+veggies and protein only days I will probably just do a few updates throughout the week(s) instead of every day. Hopefully you'll all be able to survive without daily (or multiple per day) posts! ;)
Well, it's about time to hit the hay so that I'm bright-eyed enough for some yoga in the morning - so until next time - happy dieting!
This morning I was only down 0.4 pounds - but that's fine! :) It means total for the full week I'm down 5.8 pounds - which I'm just going to go ahead and round up to 6 pounds. I think I'd be down a little more if I'd done more working out the past few days - but I think since I didn't feel very good towards the end of the week it was a good idea to take it easy. I'll be back on the work out attack in the morning. Oh - and since February, I'm down 9 pounds! Woohoo! :)
Today wasn't too bad. I had a couple of large bottles of water - and three plain hamburger patties. The tough part was being at a friend's barbecue. A former co-worker is in town visiting, so we all got together for some celebrating and visiting. Everything that everyone brought looked AMAZING. Guacamole, chips, veggies and dip - oh, and some Sweet Escape Cupcakes. The host - Jacki - makes these incredibly delicious and incredibly creative cupcakes. I have no idea how I managed to not eat every single cupcake... but somehow I made it several hours without gorging myself on even one. I mean - she makes cupcakes with Reese's peanut butter cups baked INSIDE. So flippin' good. Maybe when I reach my goal weight I'll order a dozen and share them with people who'd like to celebrate with me. ;)
Anyway, I must be in the swing of protein only at this point because I was able to resist chips and guac (YUM) as well as the cupcakes. I just ate plain hamburger patties with some chopped onions. Which were also pretty darned good. I'm so glad grilling season is officially here!
The barbecue was so much fun - always nice to spend a few hours with really great company.
After the barbecue, we went grocery shopping. Somehow I managed to resist buying EVERY vegetable I saw. I also found some salad dressing that was suggested by Marisa (the friend who started me on this journey): Walden Farms - all of their dressings are fat free, sugar free, carb free, calorie free, gluten free. I grabbed a bottle of Honey Mustard vinaigrette and some Balsamic vinaigrette. I'm excited to try them on veggies as well as try them as sauces on some of our protein meals!
When we finally got home tonight I wasn't super hungry, but a little snacky and my sweet tooth was in full force after thinking some more about those cupcakes. So, I whipped up a double batch of oat bran cookies.
Now, these are a little more muffin than they are cookie - but they're still super good. I made a double batch because one batch only makes about 6 cookies.
Here's the recipe:
Baking powder1 tea spoon
Oat bran3 table spoons
Sweetener1 table spoon
Yoghurt2-3 table spoons
Pre-heat the oven to 180C
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl into a thick and smooth mass.
Pour the mixture into a baking tray or muffin form
Bake the mass for about 15minutes at 180C
Tip For a crunchy version: after 15 minutes remove the cookies from the oven and than remove them from the muffin trays carefully. Place the cookies upside down in the oven again and bake them for another 10 - 15 minutes. Now the cookies are soft inside and crunchy outside.
**180 Celsius translates to 356 Fahrenheit
**I added 1 teaspoon of vanilla flavor per batch.
They're nice and a little bit sweet - but not too sweet. Plus one or two is just enough to take down a craving. Especially with a small glass of fat free skim milk.
Now that I'm on the "weight loss phase" which alternates protein+veggies and protein only days I will probably just do a few updates throughout the week(s) instead of every day. Hopefully you'll all be able to survive without daily (or multiple per day) posts! ;)
Well, it's about time to hit the hay so that I'm bright-eyed enough for some yoga in the morning - so until next time - happy dieting!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Dabbling in Dieting: Dukan "supplies"
I've had a few questions about where to find certain things for the Dukan Diet, so I wanted to share where I've had success in finding some of these items as well as some other little tidbits I've discovered.
Oat Bran -- I found some at the local grocery store's "fill your own" section. It's where you can fill your own bags of nuts, grains, etc. I haven't found it in another section in any of the local grocery stores where we shop. Luckily, 2 scoops from the "fill your own" has been more than enough for the first week (including making pancakes for Chris and a few batches of oat bran cookies).
The Book -- while I haven't purchased it yet, I've found it for various prices at various places. Target has it for $18.20. Amazon has it as low as about $13 -- unless you want to buy the UK paperback version which is about $8 (but, you'll have to do some interpreting of the UK English). You can also get an e-reader version on Amazon for a lower price. A friend who's looking into starting the diet also found it on for $13. I will probably end up buying the book next week. While I've found a lot of help on the web, I feel like reading the book will help me in the long run as far as sticking with it goes.
Snacks -- Vanilla yogurt. I like Chobani. Once I can have fruit again, I'll start buying fruit yogurt by Chobani - I was eating it prior to Dukan because I think it has the best flavor.
Laughing Cow cheese - specifically the spreadable varieties. The lowfat version tastes virtually the same as the full-fat variety and the low fat version also comes in a variety of flavors. My favorite is the Queso Fresco & Chipotle because it is a little spicy. :)
Turkey Jerky. I bought some for the first time on an impulse today. Jack Links makes some that is 98% fat free and packed with protein. It's not too salty and my craving for a snack was satisfied after just one large piece. Plus, it's easy to pack into a ziplock and carry in your purse.
Carving board style lunchmeat. This can serve as a quick lunch or a snack. I do admit, I feel weird eating lunchmeat alone - so if it's for a meal, I might suggest adding some Laughing Cow to bulk it up al little.
Oat Bran cookies. I found the recipe in the Attack Phase section of recipes on It's basically the same recipe as the oat bran pancakes I've been making every morning. They're not too sweet, but 2 small cookies is enough to take the edge of a craving off.
Website help -- I cannot say enough how helpful has been. It's got explanations and helpful tips and recipes. While it is geared more towards the UK version (meaning recipes are in celsius and have some not-quite-American measurements and expressions), the few I've tried so far have turned out quite well and have been delicious. They're also simple!
Drinks -- Water is the big one. LOTS of water. I've actually started keeping a full gallon jug of water in the fridge so that I have cold water on hand all the time. (I just refill the jug with our tap filter - it can be slow, so having the jug handy makes it more convenient for my lazy, lazy self.) The instructions say you can have as much diet soda as you want - but I would recommend only one soda a day if you absolutely need it. Soda still has a boat load of sugar (or aspertame) and caffeine and sodium which can leave you more dehydrated when you really need more water because of the protein-only diet. The water helps your kidneys flush the protein by-products from your system. It's super important. Coffee & tea are also allowed - I've only been doing one cup of either in the morning to get a small caffeine boost - a little caffeine is supposed to rev the metabolism but too much can make you dependent and cause spikes and crashes which result it being tired - and in my experience - terrible withdrawal headaches. I've also done some skim milk with meals simply because only drinking water all day leaves me craving a beverage with flavor.
Breakfast -- Everyone has something different that works for them - for me having a standard breakfast that is fast and easily travels works best because I'm lazy and sleep in too late to eat before work. I've been taking one egg with my microwave poacher along with 3 small oat bran pancakes. I might start rotating the pancakes with some yogurt. However, the morning pancakes are an easy and delicious way to get in the oat bran every day. One batch gets you the full 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran in one meal. Plus, the help keep you full longer in the morning. Which is a blessing.
I'm sure there are other things I'm just not thinking of... but since they aren't coming to mind, I'll have to share them another time. If you have a question about the diet or where I've found something, please let me know. I'm happy to share!
Until next time (tomorrow - day 7!!!) - happy dieting! :)
Oat Bran -- I found some at the local grocery store's "fill your own" section. It's where you can fill your own bags of nuts, grains, etc. I haven't found it in another section in any of the local grocery stores where we shop. Luckily, 2 scoops from the "fill your own" has been more than enough for the first week (including making pancakes for Chris and a few batches of oat bran cookies).
The Book -- while I haven't purchased it yet, I've found it for various prices at various places. Target has it for $18.20. Amazon has it as low as about $13 -- unless you want to buy the UK paperback version which is about $8 (but, you'll have to do some interpreting of the UK English). You can also get an e-reader version on Amazon for a lower price. A friend who's looking into starting the diet also found it on for $13. I will probably end up buying the book next week. While I've found a lot of help on the web, I feel like reading the book will help me in the long run as far as sticking with it goes.
Snacks -- Vanilla yogurt. I like Chobani. Once I can have fruit again, I'll start buying fruit yogurt by Chobani - I was eating it prior to Dukan because I think it has the best flavor.
Laughing Cow cheese - specifically the spreadable varieties. The lowfat version tastes virtually the same as the full-fat variety and the low fat version also comes in a variety of flavors. My favorite is the Queso Fresco & Chipotle because it is a little spicy. :)
Turkey Jerky. I bought some for the first time on an impulse today. Jack Links makes some that is 98% fat free and packed with protein. It's not too salty and my craving for a snack was satisfied after just one large piece. Plus, it's easy to pack into a ziplock and carry in your purse.
Carving board style lunchmeat. This can serve as a quick lunch or a snack. I do admit, I feel weird eating lunchmeat alone - so if it's for a meal, I might suggest adding some Laughing Cow to bulk it up al little.
Oat Bran cookies. I found the recipe in the Attack Phase section of recipes on It's basically the same recipe as the oat bran pancakes I've been making every morning. They're not too sweet, but 2 small cookies is enough to take the edge of a craving off.
Website help -- I cannot say enough how helpful has been. It's got explanations and helpful tips and recipes. While it is geared more towards the UK version (meaning recipes are in celsius and have some not-quite-American measurements and expressions), the few I've tried so far have turned out quite well and have been delicious. They're also simple!
Drinks -- Water is the big one. LOTS of water. I've actually started keeping a full gallon jug of water in the fridge so that I have cold water on hand all the time. (I just refill the jug with our tap filter - it can be slow, so having the jug handy makes it more convenient for my lazy, lazy self.) The instructions say you can have as much diet soda as you want - but I would recommend only one soda a day if you absolutely need it. Soda still has a boat load of sugar (or aspertame) and caffeine and sodium which can leave you more dehydrated when you really need more water because of the protein-only diet. The water helps your kidneys flush the protein by-products from your system. It's super important. Coffee & tea are also allowed - I've only been doing one cup of either in the morning to get a small caffeine boost - a little caffeine is supposed to rev the metabolism but too much can make you dependent and cause spikes and crashes which result it being tired - and in my experience - terrible withdrawal headaches. I've also done some skim milk with meals simply because only drinking water all day leaves me craving a beverage with flavor.
Breakfast -- Everyone has something different that works for them - for me having a standard breakfast that is fast and easily travels works best because I'm lazy and sleep in too late to eat before work. I've been taking one egg with my microwave poacher along with 3 small oat bran pancakes. I might start rotating the pancakes with some yogurt. However, the morning pancakes are an easy and delicious way to get in the oat bran every day. One batch gets you the full 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran in one meal. Plus, the help keep you full longer in the morning. Which is a blessing.
I'm sure there are other things I'm just not thinking of... but since they aren't coming to mind, I'll have to share them another time. If you have a question about the diet or where I've found something, please let me know. I'm happy to share!
Until next time (tomorrow - day 7!!!) - happy dieting! :)
Dabbling in Dieting: Dukan Day 6 - Adventures in Eating Out
After reading more about the Dukan Attack Phase - I realized that there is a sort of "sliding scale" for the Attack Phase. After looking at said sliding scale (and hearing the results from the friend who suggested the diet) I decided to do the Attack Phase for 7 days.
When I weighed myself this morning, I was down another 0.8 pounds. That means as of this morning I am down 5.4 pounds. Since I started efforting weight loss, I'm down 9 pounds. That feels pretty good (and means I'll get that massage a little earlier than I planned)! I'm also starting to actually SEE the results. My clothing is starting to fit differently (IMO - better).
Here is where I was worried about staying on the Attack Phase over the weekend: eating out. We usually eat out on weekends. And we usually split meals when we eat out. And most restaurants don't have "protein only" options that are listed up front on the menu.
This morning we went to the Farmers' Market for a quick trip. We got coffee. Well, I got coffee. Chris got a chai tea latte - my favorite. But, I didn't cheat. :)
For lunch, we decided to try out a new(ish) restaurant - Longhorn Steakhouse. We split a steak. It was pretty good. The cut was a little fatty and coated quite a bit in seasoning salt (more than I'm used to). Other than that it was delicious.
Since it was rainy most of the day, we ended up going to a charity event inside. Mini-golfing for guide dogs! Sure, it wasn't strenuous exercise, but it was exercise. AND we got to pet cute puppies!
I ended up taking a nap - and forgetting to defrost anything to make for dinner (whoops - now you know why we eat out so much on weekends). So, once I emerged from the fog of napping, we flipped through our takeout menus to find something I would be eat without too many changes and special requests. We settled on Joey's Seafood - by deciding to split the snow crab legs.
Now, I couldn't have any of the sides (the corn muffins looked UNBELIEVABLE) or the butter dipping sauce - regardless - they were AMAZING. I love crab legs. I don't know why I don't eat them more often...
Even though we ended up splitting the crab legs, there were several things on the menu that I could've easily ordered. So if you're looking for a restaurant to find an easily-converted all protein meal, I highly suggest a steakhouse and/or a seafood place.
The other thing I did today - bought myself a reward. :)
I promised myself that if I made it the 5 days of the attack phase without a major cheat, I'd buy myself a new workout outfit. I do admit, I took a few small drinks of a rootbeer - which probably counts as cheating - but otherwise I was true to the diet.
While I didn't get a full outfit (I hemmed and hawed about the shorts and figured they can wait - it's still pretty cold outside, so I don't really need another pair of shorts yet - no matter how cute they are) - I did get this workout shirt that I've been eyeing for a few weeks.
I'll have to remember to have Chris take a photo of me wearing it the first time. :)
So, until next time, happy dieting! :)
When I weighed myself this morning, I was down another 0.8 pounds. That means as of this morning I am down 5.4 pounds. Since I started efforting weight loss, I'm down 9 pounds. That feels pretty good (and means I'll get that massage a little earlier than I planned)! I'm also starting to actually SEE the results. My clothing is starting to fit differently (IMO - better).
Here is where I was worried about staying on the Attack Phase over the weekend: eating out. We usually eat out on weekends. And we usually split meals when we eat out. And most restaurants don't have "protein only" options that are listed up front on the menu.
This morning we went to the Farmers' Market for a quick trip. We got coffee. Well, I got coffee. Chris got a chai tea latte - my favorite. But, I didn't cheat. :)
For lunch, we decided to try out a new(ish) restaurant - Longhorn Steakhouse. We split a steak. It was pretty good. The cut was a little fatty and coated quite a bit in seasoning salt (more than I'm used to). Other than that it was delicious.
Since it was rainy most of the day, we ended up going to a charity event inside. Mini-golfing for guide dogs! Sure, it wasn't strenuous exercise, but it was exercise. AND we got to pet cute puppies!
I ended up taking a nap - and forgetting to defrost anything to make for dinner (whoops - now you know why we eat out so much on weekends). So, once I emerged from the fog of napping, we flipped through our takeout menus to find something I would be eat without too many changes and special requests. We settled on Joey's Seafood - by deciding to split the snow crab legs.
Now, I couldn't have any of the sides (the corn muffins looked UNBELIEVABLE) or the butter dipping sauce - regardless - they were AMAZING. I love crab legs. I don't know why I don't eat them more often...
Even though we ended up splitting the crab legs, there were several things on the menu that I could've easily ordered. So if you're looking for a restaurant to find an easily-converted all protein meal, I highly suggest a steakhouse and/or a seafood place.
The other thing I did today - bought myself a reward. :)
I promised myself that if I made it the 5 days of the attack phase without a major cheat, I'd buy myself a new workout outfit. I do admit, I took a few small drinks of a rootbeer - which probably counts as cheating - but otherwise I was true to the diet.
While I didn't get a full outfit (I hemmed and hawed about the shorts and figured they can wait - it's still pretty cold outside, so I don't really need another pair of shorts yet - no matter how cute they are) - I did get this workout shirt that I've been eyeing for a few weeks.
I'll have to remember to have Chris take a photo of me wearing it the first time. :)
So, until next time, happy dieting! :)
Friday, May 13, 2011
Dabbling in Dieting: Dukan Days 4 & 5
I meant to blog yesterday - but blogger was down for maintenance. Let's see if I can remember everything...
Yesterday was the first day of the Attack Phase where I started to feel more tired. I think the toll of no sugar and no carbs is starting to sink in. I'd only been at work for about an hour when I was totally ready to take a nap! One good thing from yesterday: I drank over a gallon of water. Yes, that meant I had to pee every 20 minutes - but it was good to get that much water in my system.
I was also super hungry yesterday. I ended up making oat bran cookies after dinner. Well. I ended up making two batches because the first batch I accidentally used baking soda instead of baking powder - which made them turn out pretty gross... The second batch was better - and Chris likes them too! :)
Here's the progress - yesterday I was down a full pound.
I think my progress has slowed - partially because with the additional sleepiness I pulled back on some of my working out. Skipping a few workouts probably isn't the best idea if I really want to keep at it - but it was hard enough getting out of bed period yesterday.
I did remember to take a photo of the pancakes - I made them for Chris and he really liked them.
Yesterday was the first day of the Attack Phase where I started to feel more tired. I think the toll of no sugar and no carbs is starting to sink in. I'd only been at work for about an hour when I was totally ready to take a nap! One good thing from yesterday: I drank over a gallon of water. Yes, that meant I had to pee every 20 minutes - but it was good to get that much water in my system.
I was also super hungry yesterday. I ended up making oat bran cookies after dinner. Well. I ended up making two batches because the first batch I accidentally used baking soda instead of baking powder - which made them turn out pretty gross... The second batch was better - and Chris likes them too! :)
Here's the progress - yesterday I was down a full pound.
I think my progress has slowed - partially because with the additional sleepiness I pulled back on some of my working out. Skipping a few workouts probably isn't the best idea if I really want to keep at it - but it was hard enough getting out of bed period yesterday.
I did remember to take a photo of the pancakes - I made them for Chris and he really liked them.
Yesterday I made them without the vanilla - Chris said at the end of the day that he thought they needed some syrup. Unfortunately, we don't have any...
After work I was still tired, so we didn't do the Jillian Michaels dvd. We did do a 15 minute walk together and then hit up the grocery store. I price-checked the Dukan Diet book -- $18.20 at Target if you're looking for it. I didn't pick it up, but did some skimming. We really went in just to get eggs, but also picked up some Laughing Cow Light - the spicy flavor. I've always loved Laughing Cow spreadable cheese - and when a friend who is also on the diet said she was eating it on the Attack Phase, I got REALLY excited about it! :)
Then I tried one of the recipes from - Salmon and Philly dip (it's got a much longer, more complicated name on the site, so I'll list the recipe after the photo)
Here's the recipe:Coriander
Fat Free Natural Yoghurt- 1 table spoon
Garlic clove1/2 or 1
Lemon juice - few drops
Philadelphia extra light - 3 table spoons
Red chilli - to taste
Salmon Fillet - 1
Season the salmon fillet with salt, pepper and few lemon juice drops.
Wrap it in a silver foil (optional, but if you use it fish will not stick to the pan) and grill on a frying pan for about 20 minutes changing the sides.
Prepare the Philadelphia dipper: Take 3 spoons of Philadelphia cheese and one spoon of fat free natural yoghurt into a small bowl. Add pepper, coriander, chilli and grated garlic clove and mix all.
It was really good - better than I anticipated. The dipping sauce is an amazing compliment to the fish - especially fish cooked with lemon. I think it would also go well with chicken. I crushed the coriander because I only had seed form.
If I make it again, I will likely cut the dip recipe in half. The full recipe easily made enough dip for liberal dipping/slathering for probably 4 fillets of Salmon. With just the 2 of us, we had dip on every bite of our fairly large fillets and still had some left over.
One thing I do want to note about the recipes on the website - they're mainly from the UK, so there is a little deciphering needed. Also, some of the ingredients are not as easily available in the US. I read a recipe for "Dukan Mayo" that calls for Quark, which I've only seen in a few specialty food shops here in Madison.
Now on to today. Not down quite as much - less than a pound. I think it was 0.8 pounds this morning.
Today was not a good day. I woke up feeling hot and clammy. Slightly nauseated. Really tired - like muscle tired to the point of almost aching. It did start to get better after I ate breakfast - but I haven't done any exercising today because of it and I haven't drank nearly as much water. I'll work on that more tonight.
I've also had intense cravings again today. French fries are a BIG one. And salt & vinegar chips. And chips & salsa. I'm very excited to get vegetables back next week. VERY excited. I've noticed that protein - in general - doesn't crunch. When I was making dinner tonight I realized I'm really hungry for something "crunchy". I've never really experienced a texture craving before - it's weird.
I will admit - I took 2 drinks from Chris' Sprecher's Root Beer. I absolutely couldn't help myself. I LOVE Sprecher's sodas and having it sitting right next to me was too much of a temptation for me today. But, I did keep myself from drinking an entire bottle.
We didn't go on a family walk today after work because it's been raining all afternoon/evening. It's supposed to rain for the next two days as well, which is disappointing. I really like taking hikes on weekends and thought it could be nice to kick around a soccer ball with Chris - but with it being so soggy that probably wouldn't the best idea. We'll see what happens.
Well, it's time to enjoy this rainy Friday night - and maybe make a double batch of cookies (one batch is only like 6 cookies...)
Until next time, happy dieting! :)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Dabbling in Dieting: Dukan Day 3 -- Exercises in Self Control
Today marked day 3 of the Dukan Diet.
I lost another pound yesterday - so far I'm down 3 pounds. That feels pretty darn good. :)
Before I really get into how today went and some of the other things I want to share - there is something a friend wrote on Facebook to me that I really want to share. It really rang true to me and made sense in relation to "dieting":
"Everyone know[s] that losing weight takes diet and exercise. What most people don't know is that it's actually 10% exercise and 90% diet. That's a good thought to keep in mind when choosing what you eat."
That really put things into perspective and reminded my why it is so important to really think about what I'm putting into my body. In addition to wanting to eat healthful, quality foods - eating the right ones is such an important decision to make. Whether that's eating on a strict plan like Dukan or a Gluten-free diet or any of the millions of other eating plans that are out there. One of the most important things about "dieting" is understanding what your body needs and how each food decision impacts you in the long run. That frozen mini-Reeses peanut butter egg might sound REALLY, REALLY, REALLY good right now - but is that decision worth a set back in my goals? Is it worth the sugar high and subsequent crash that can make me feel awful? Probably not. So I'll save it as a "splurge" or a reward for later on when I'm really on track to being where I want to be.
Here is where I struggled today - self control. I had some SERIOUS cravings.
- First: Reeses mini peanut butter cups. They're a huge weakness of mine and there was a little bowl of them in the promotions office this morning. It took every fiber in my being to resist grabbing at least one. I just walked away. (Uhm. Go me!)
- Second: A co-worker bought me a brownie. This was HARD to keep myself from devouring instantly. Without having any fruit (and therefore extremely minimal amounts of sugar), today I started craving sweets. Additionally, it was so nice of her to think of me that not eating it felt like the most horrible thing I could ever do. :( SO instead I packed it into a ziplock bag so that I can share it with Chris on Sunday. After making it a full week without cheating.
- Third: Popcorn. Whoa. Didn't expect this one - we have a popcorn machine at work. It's SO good. But - popcorn is not "approved". ACK! I had to keep myself from going back into the breakroom for the final 90 minutes of work. But, I managed.
We've been working out again - yoga in the morning, quick walk after work, followed up by the 30 day shred dvd. After 2 days of it - feeling good. A little achey, but good. I think it's helped me slurp down some more water. Chris mentioned he thought the shred dvd might counter-balance my Dukan weight loss by building muscle - which wouldn't be the worst possible thing.
After dinner tonight I was still having sweets cravings - so I found an attack phase friendly milkshake recipe. YUM.
Speaking of recipes - here's the site:
**This also has some information/tips and a little online shop. This is the site where I found the breakdown of what the diet is. It's a pretty helpful site.
I also ran across this one:
**This has a slightly more detailed breakdown with a Do/Do Not list of how to keep yourself on track. It is also helpful.
As I keep moving forward with the diet, I'll share what I find. For any of you joining me (you know who you fabulous beings are), feel free to share your tips and discoveries in the comments (or email and I'll share them here).
So - until tomorrow - happy dieting (and good luck maintaining some self control - if you have struggles like me).
I lost another pound yesterday - so far I'm down 3 pounds. That feels pretty darn good. :)
Before I really get into how today went and some of the other things I want to share - there is something a friend wrote on Facebook to me that I really want to share. It really rang true to me and made sense in relation to "dieting":
"Everyone know[s] that losing weight takes diet and exercise. What most people don't know is that it's actually 10% exercise and 90% diet. That's a good thought to keep in mind when choosing what you eat."
That really put things into perspective and reminded my why it is so important to really think about what I'm putting into my body. In addition to wanting to eat healthful, quality foods - eating the right ones is such an important decision to make. Whether that's eating on a strict plan like Dukan or a Gluten-free diet or any of the millions of other eating plans that are out there. One of the most important things about "dieting" is understanding what your body needs and how each food decision impacts you in the long run. That frozen mini-Reeses peanut butter egg might sound REALLY, REALLY, REALLY good right now - but is that decision worth a set back in my goals? Is it worth the sugar high and subsequent crash that can make me feel awful? Probably not. So I'll save it as a "splurge" or a reward for later on when I'm really on track to being where I want to be.
Here is where I struggled today - self control. I had some SERIOUS cravings.
- First: Reeses mini peanut butter cups. They're a huge weakness of mine and there was a little bowl of them in the promotions office this morning. It took every fiber in my being to resist grabbing at least one. I just walked away. (Uhm. Go me!)
- Second: A co-worker bought me a brownie. This was HARD to keep myself from devouring instantly. Without having any fruit (and therefore extremely minimal amounts of sugar), today I started craving sweets. Additionally, it was so nice of her to think of me that not eating it felt like the most horrible thing I could ever do. :( SO instead I packed it into a ziplock bag so that I can share it with Chris on Sunday. After making it a full week without cheating.
- Third: Popcorn. Whoa. Didn't expect this one - we have a popcorn machine at work. It's SO good. But - popcorn is not "approved". ACK! I had to keep myself from going back into the breakroom for the final 90 minutes of work. But, I managed.
We've been working out again - yoga in the morning, quick walk after work, followed up by the 30 day shred dvd. After 2 days of it - feeling good. A little achey, but good. I think it's helped me slurp down some more water. Chris mentioned he thought the shred dvd might counter-balance my Dukan weight loss by building muscle - which wouldn't be the worst possible thing.
After dinner tonight I was still having sweets cravings - so I found an attack phase friendly milkshake recipe. YUM.
Speaking of recipes - here's the site:
**This also has some information/tips and a little online shop. This is the site where I found the breakdown of what the diet is. It's a pretty helpful site.
I also ran across this one:
**This has a slightly more detailed breakdown with a Do/Do Not list of how to keep yourself on track. It is also helpful.
As I keep moving forward with the diet, I'll share what I find. For any of you joining me (you know who you fabulous beings are), feel free to share your tips and discoveries in the comments (or email and I'll share them here).
So - until tomorrow - happy dieting (and good luck maintaining some self control - if you have struggles like me).
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Dabbling in Stickin' With It: Rewards. I needs 'em.
I think something that I need to be better about is rewarding myself for keeping with it and working hard. Also - I need to be better at not buying things the second I decide I want them.
Hence - a reward schedule. Now, I haven't quite figured out all of the rewards - or what the "schedule" will end up being... But I've figured out a few things.
At the end of this week - if I'm down my goal 6 pounds: new workout outfit. I found a shirt and shorts I really like this weekend. And I managed to not buy it on the spot. Go me! :) So we'll see if I get to pick it up this weekend.
Other planned rewards:
- 90 minute massage. I was thinking that at 15 pounds I'll reward myself with that. I'll be at my "halfway" point, so it seems like a good spot to give myself a big reward.
- New wedge sandals. Not sure when I'll reward myself with those. But I've been wanting them for awhile, and it seems like a good reward for all the work (AND show off my legs).
- New wardrobe. This'll be once I hit my target weight - because I'm thinking very few pieces of my clothing will still fit... at least not my pants (in the *good* way).
Now the part that I need to figure out - some mini-rewards to trickle along the way. Like every 5 pounds I get something. I just need to figure out what that something is... I'm open to suggestions - so if you wanna toss a few my way, please do!
Until next time - happy stick-to-itive-ness! :)
Hence - a reward schedule. Now, I haven't quite figured out all of the rewards - or what the "schedule" will end up being... But I've figured out a few things.
At the end of this week - if I'm down my goal 6 pounds: new workout outfit. I found a shirt and shorts I really like this weekend. And I managed to not buy it on the spot. Go me! :) So we'll see if I get to pick it up this weekend.
Other planned rewards:
- 90 minute massage. I was thinking that at 15 pounds I'll reward myself with that. I'll be at my "halfway" point, so it seems like a good spot to give myself a big reward.
- New wedge sandals. Not sure when I'll reward myself with those. But I've been wanting them for awhile, and it seems like a good reward for all the work (AND show off my legs).
- New wardrobe. This'll be once I hit my target weight - because I'm thinking very few pieces of my clothing will still fit... at least not my pants (in the *good* way).
Now the part that I need to figure out - some mini-rewards to trickle along the way. Like every 5 pounds I get something. I just need to figure out what that something is... I'm open to suggestions - so if you wanna toss a few my way, please do!
Until next time - happy stick-to-itive-ness! :)
Dabbling in Fitness: Back on track (I hope)
So, after I completely failed to do anything active last week, this week is off to a MUCH better start.
Sunday we went on a 2-ish mile walk with Chris' parents for Mother's Day.
Yesterday I got up and did 15-minute yoga. After work I went for a brisk 20-minute with Dexter (and my wrist weights).
Today I got up, did 15-minute yoga (the hard ab workout that really does make you work), went on a family walk with wrist weights for 25 minutes and then did 30-Day shred with Chris.
I feel great. :)
Here's to keeping it up - and working in a few runs later this week. The challenge: it's supposed to rain every afternoon/evening until Sunday. :( Boo rain. (Actually, I love rain for the most part, I'm just bummed it'll hinder our evening family walks.)
Until next time - happy fitness! :)
Sunday we went on a 2-ish mile walk with Chris' parents for Mother's Day.
Yesterday I got up and did 15-minute yoga. After work I went for a brisk 20-minute with Dexter (and my wrist weights).
Today I got up, did 15-minute yoga (the hard ab workout that really does make you work), went on a family walk with wrist weights for 25 minutes and then did 30-Day shred with Chris.
I feel great. :)
Here's to keeping it up - and working in a few runs later this week. The challenge: it's supposed to rain every afternoon/evening until Sunday. :( Boo rain. (Actually, I love rain for the most part, I'm just bummed it'll hinder our evening family walks.)
Until next time - happy fitness! :)
Dabbling in Dieting: Dukan Day 2
So, after I blogged yesterday I did get hungry again. But - I was able to grab a little bowl of cottage cheese. YUM. It helped. :)
Today felt better. But eating plain lunchmeat for lunch is still weird. So, tonight I made some extra shrimp with dinner so that I can take it for lunch tomorrow.
This morning I tried a great recipe from the friend who suggested the diet to me (thanks, Marisa!) - a recipe for oatbran pancakes:
1 egg
2 Tablespoons yogurt (I used plain Fage - she uses vanilla Chobani)
1.5 Tablespoons oat bran
Splash of vanilla (since my yogurt was plain)
Dash of cinnamon
Dash of Splenda.
Just whisk together and cook in a greased pan. :) Tomorrow I'll need to use a smaller pan to make a few smaller pancakes. SO good. They taste like french toast pancakes. SO good.
Anyway - here's what today's menu was:
Breakfast -- oat bran pancake, 1 poached egg
Lunch -- chicken (lunchmeat - carving board style), cottage cheese
Dinner -- "surf & turf": broiled steak, shrimp scampi (sauteed in lemon juice, garlic, oregano, red pepper flakes, & Old Bay spice)
I also had 5 (?maybe six -- I can't remember how many times I refilled) bottles of water (they're 24 ounces each).
Here's a look at tonight's dinner:
I'll try to remember to take a photo of the pancakes in the morning... :)
As for how it's going weight-loss-wise - this morning I was 2.4 pounds lighter than yesterday morning. So - that's promising. I know that a lot of the weight this week will probably be water weight - but it does provide a bit of a confidence booster to know that I can keep with it and drop 6 pounds in a week.
Until next time (tomorrow?) - happy dieting!
Today felt better. But eating plain lunchmeat for lunch is still weird. So, tonight I made some extra shrimp with dinner so that I can take it for lunch tomorrow.
This morning I tried a great recipe from the friend who suggested the diet to me (thanks, Marisa!) - a recipe for oatbran pancakes:
1 egg
2 Tablespoons yogurt (I used plain Fage - she uses vanilla Chobani)
1.5 Tablespoons oat bran
Splash of vanilla (since my yogurt was plain)
Dash of cinnamon
Dash of Splenda.
Just whisk together and cook in a greased pan. :) Tomorrow I'll need to use a smaller pan to make a few smaller pancakes. SO good. They taste like french toast pancakes. SO good.
Anyway - here's what today's menu was:
Breakfast -- oat bran pancake, 1 poached egg
Lunch -- chicken (lunchmeat - carving board style), cottage cheese
Dinner -- "surf & turf": broiled steak, shrimp scampi (sauteed in lemon juice, garlic, oregano, red pepper flakes, & Old Bay spice)
I also had 5 (?maybe six -- I can't remember how many times I refilled) bottles of water (they're 24 ounces each).
Here's a look at tonight's dinner:
I'll try to remember to take a photo of the pancakes in the morning... :)
As for how it's going weight-loss-wise - this morning I was 2.4 pounds lighter than yesterday morning. So - that's promising. I know that a lot of the weight this week will probably be water weight - but it does provide a bit of a confidence booster to know that I can keep with it and drop 6 pounds in a week.
Until next time (tomorrow?) - happy dieting!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Dabbling in Dieting: Dukan Day 1
So, today I started the Dukan Diet. All protein for 5 days.
Today wasn't too bad. Breakfast and dinner weren't terribly different from what I normally eat. Just no veggies or fruit. I think I can do that for 5 days.
Here's the menu from today:
Breakfast - two poached eggs
Lunch - carving board rotisserie chicken (maybe 3 ounces?)
Dinner - mustard encrusted tilapia with a side of cottage cheese
Dessert - 1.5 tablespoons oat bran
Here's a photo of the tilapia - it was super easy: just rub on some stone ground mustard and broil until cooked through:
For the most part I stayed full all day. It was weird eating just chicken for lunch. I think I'll broil or otherwise cook some chicken breasts and some shrimp tomorrow so that I have a more "substantial" looking lunch for the rest of the week.
I'll have to see how many pounds I lost in the morning - supposedly you lose like 2 pounds the first day - then like 6 by the end of the first five days.
I also bought some fat free greek yogurt - which I am allowed to eat. I can have low fat dairy products - given they are less than 5 % fat. It's hard to find cheese that is that low fat... and I bought some oat bran - which I'm supposed to eat 1.5 tablespoons of every day. I think I'll eat it at breakfast because it's supposed to help keep you feel more full throughout the day (plus - it tastes like oatmeal or granola which is more "breakfast-y" to me).
So - once I get through the protein only week I can add veggies back in - but have to alternate one protein only day with one protein + veggie day. Keeping track might be the biggest challenge... :) I do that until I hit my "target weight" and then I start adding more types of food into my diet (carbs!)
Alright - day one wasn't too bad. Here's hoping day two is simply more of the same! :)
Until next time (tomorrow?) - happy dieting!
Today wasn't too bad. Breakfast and dinner weren't terribly different from what I normally eat. Just no veggies or fruit. I think I can do that for 5 days.
Here's the menu from today:
Breakfast - two poached eggs
Lunch - carving board rotisserie chicken (maybe 3 ounces?)
Dinner - mustard encrusted tilapia with a side of cottage cheese
Dessert - 1.5 tablespoons oat bran
Here's a photo of the tilapia - it was super easy: just rub on some stone ground mustard and broil until cooked through:
For the most part I stayed full all day. It was weird eating just chicken for lunch. I think I'll broil or otherwise cook some chicken breasts and some shrimp tomorrow so that I have a more "substantial" looking lunch for the rest of the week.
I'll have to see how many pounds I lost in the morning - supposedly you lose like 2 pounds the first day - then like 6 by the end of the first five days.
I also bought some fat free greek yogurt - which I am allowed to eat. I can have low fat dairy products - given they are less than 5 % fat. It's hard to find cheese that is that low fat... and I bought some oat bran - which I'm supposed to eat 1.5 tablespoons of every day. I think I'll eat it at breakfast because it's supposed to help keep you feel more full throughout the day (plus - it tastes like oatmeal or granola which is more "breakfast-y" to me).
So - once I get through the protein only week I can add veggies back in - but have to alternate one protein only day with one protein + veggie day. Keeping track might be the biggest challenge... :) I do that until I hit my "target weight" and then I start adding more types of food into my diet (carbs!)
Alright - day one wasn't too bad. Here's hoping day two is simply more of the same! :)
Until next time (tomorrow?) - happy dieting!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Dabbling in Fitness: Dieting...
I've always hated the word "diet." It has the word "die" in it and usually I have the worst time sticking to one. There are so many amazing foods out there that I want to try - why limit myself?? Oh. Because if I don't none of my pants will fit... Rats.
I've been trying to lose weight through healthier eating (no added sugar, lots of veggies and fruits, lots of water and few carbs). I've also tried really hard to up my exercise (most weeks I've done pretty well). So far, it's only going moderately well. I've lost roughly 6 pounds since February. Granted, I didn't really start my efforts in earnest until March... That's still not the progress I was hoping for.
Recently a friend suggested a diet she's trying - the Dukan Diet. It's what Kate Middleton and her sister used prior to the Royal Wedding. That's a pretty good sales pitch...
So, I looked it up. It's basically a high protein, low fat diet that teaches your body to fuel itself with its fat stores instead of energy from carbs and sugars. I see how it can work - the question I have is how will I stick to it? Hmm.
I'm willing to try it. My friend says she's lost 6 pounds in a week. Uhm, 6 pounds in a week seriously beats my 6 pounds in three months!
Here's some info I found about the diet online.
There are four phases:
1 - Attack Phase
2 - Cruise Phase
3 - Consolidation Phase
4 - Stabilization Phase.
The goal is to train yourself to eat better for the rest of your life. Which I think I can do. I've done pretty well so far and the phases really do seem pretty simple.
Here are the "rules" for each phase (found on
Attack Phase -
You can eat as much as you want as long as it is on the allowed foods list.
One important habit that you need to establish from day one is proper water intake. Avoiding dehydration and overworking your kidneys is crucial on a high protein diet like this. Be sure to drink over 1.5 litres per day.
Oat bran is a very important ingredient of the Dukan Diet and introduced as soon as the Attack Phase. You should incorporate 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran per day in any form you like - as porridge, with yoghurt, in muffins of pancakes.
One food unrelated rule is to introduce exercise in the form of a 20 minute walk each day. Many dieters will be happy to hear that at the same time more extensive exercise is discouraged in this phase.
If after first 5 days you are not seeing any further weight loss proceed to the Cruise Phase even if you planned your attack for longer.
Cruise Phase -
Once you finished the Attack Phase the next goal is to achieve your target weight. This is done while on the Cruise Phase – an alternating rhythm of pure protein days and vegetable & protein days.
A healthy weight loss is about two pounds per week. It can seem slow after a successful attack phase, however this speed is better for long term results – for example your skin has time to shrink not leaving empty flabs behind.
Another suggested change is increasing from 20 minutes of exercise to 30 minutes of brisk walking per day.
Just because you are allowed vegetables do not eliminate protein produce from a PV day. After all it is called Protein & Vegetables not Pure Vegetables for a reason.
Consolidation Phase -
So! You've finished the second phase of the Dukan diet – the Cruise phase and achieved your goal weight! Now on to the third phase – Consolidation.
This is the moment when all your hard work has payed off, you got to your target weight, but you are under a huge risk of yo-yo – gaining it all back, if you don't watch what you eat carefully. The upside is, you can now add many tasty products, that were forbidden on the Cruise phase, as you no longer need to lose weight – just keep up the weight you are at and not gain any more.
The simple rule is – for every one pound you lost, you need to be on the Consolidation phase for 5 days. So if you've lost 30lb, you need to be on phase 3 for 150days.
This phase is all about a controlled way to get back to normal, but still healthy eating. You have learned a lot about food, cooking and nutrition during the Cruise phase. Now you can expand that knowledge and put it to good use while re-introducing new foods to your diet.
Apart from the products allowed in the previous phases, you will now be able to have: bread, fruit, cheeses and some starchy products. You will also be able to have some other foods that were forbidden up till now thanks to the celebration meals, but you need to precisely follow the rules:
Pasta – for best results have the wholegrain ones and cook them al dente (the it will take longer for the body to process). Don't use cream or butter while preparing the dish and stick to no more than 220g boiled weight.
Wholegrain rice – same amount as the pasta.
Lentil and beans
It's just one more effort, that goes a long way, to support your new, healthy weight. It's best to chose a Thursday, as it's usually the least busy day, without the weekend guests or the Monday cravings.
Stabilization Phase -
Congratulations! You got to the Stabilisation Phase and you really do deserve a pat on the back.
You have achieved a massive goal – managed to lose weight and keep it off. And even though the risks of your body trying to gain weight are behind you, there is always a risk that your mind will betray you, and suggest that since you lost so much weight, you can now go back to simply eating whatever.
The last phase is a set of rules for life, which are there not to constrict you but to guide you, so that you never gain weight again and live a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.
Although Dr. Dukan insists on choosing Thursday as your Protein Only day if you really find some other hey more convenient and easier to stick to then go for it. But you do need to remember to observe your chosen day, and not try to change it every week or two.
If you don't do sports, as not everybody can or has to, just keep active during the day – use the stairs instead of the lift, take a walk instead of driving everywhere in a car. Simple actions to avoid a sedentary life include some of the examples below:
It's good to stick to 'lighter' products and only eat hard cheeses occasionally. Too much fat is simply not good for the body, especially for the heart.
The 'low sugar' products though are a different (and more complicated) story, as recent studies show that using artificial sweeteners does not actually help the body that much in tackling cravings because the body recognises the artificial sugars.
However, in small amounts, like diet drinks, sugar-free chewing gum etc, they are allowed.
At meal time – try to take your time, and eat slowly. That way you give yourself time to feel when you are actually full.
Try to not take second helpings of anything. Most of the time it's only your brain being greedy.
Drink while you eat, it will make you eat a bit slower and fills up the stomach too.
... And if you gain a few pounds? Don't wait until you gain a few more. Have two Protein Days a week and that should help to get you back on track
In theory, it seems pretty simple. There is a book associated with the diet that I might pick up - it includes recipes and other information about the diet. I really think the toughest part will be working to stay on the diet while Chris isn't on the diet. That's usually been my biggest struggle. I don't want him to feel like he should follow the same diet I do - but it can still be tough to be the only one in the house following a stricter dietary plan. We'll see how it works.
If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts about the diet plan (or any diet plan) - please share them...
Until next time -- happy dabbling! :)
I've been trying to lose weight through healthier eating (no added sugar, lots of veggies and fruits, lots of water and few carbs). I've also tried really hard to up my exercise (most weeks I've done pretty well). So far, it's only going moderately well. I've lost roughly 6 pounds since February. Granted, I didn't really start my efforts in earnest until March... That's still not the progress I was hoping for.
Recently a friend suggested a diet she's trying - the Dukan Diet. It's what Kate Middleton and her sister used prior to the Royal Wedding. That's a pretty good sales pitch...
So, I looked it up. It's basically a high protein, low fat diet that teaches your body to fuel itself with its fat stores instead of energy from carbs and sugars. I see how it can work - the question I have is how will I stick to it? Hmm.
I'm willing to try it. My friend says she's lost 6 pounds in a week. Uhm, 6 pounds in a week seriously beats my 6 pounds in three months!
Here's some info I found about the diet online.
There are four phases:
1 - Attack Phase
2 - Cruise Phase
3 - Consolidation Phase
4 - Stabilization Phase.
The goal is to train yourself to eat better for the rest of your life. Which I think I can do. I've done pretty well so far and the phases really do seem pretty simple.
Here are the "rules" for each phase (found on
Attack Phase -
You can eat as much as you want as long as it is on the allowed foods list.
One important habit that you need to establish from day one is proper water intake. Avoiding dehydration and overworking your kidneys is crucial on a high protein diet like this. Be sure to drink over 1.5 litres per day.
Oat bran is a very important ingredient of the Dukan Diet and introduced as soon as the Attack Phase. You should incorporate 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran per day in any form you like - as porridge, with yoghurt, in muffins of pancakes.
One food unrelated rule is to introduce exercise in the form of a 20 minute walk each day. Many dieters will be happy to hear that at the same time more extensive exercise is discouraged in this phase.
If after first 5 days you are not seeing any further weight loss proceed to the Cruise Phase even if you planned your attack for longer.
Allowed Foods
- Lean beef, veal or rabbit (mince under 10%, avoid ribs)
- Chicken and turkey (except skin and outside part of the wings)
- Ham (low fat and lean)
- Beef, veal, or chicken liver
- Any fish (except canned in oil or sauce)
- Shellfish and crustaceans
- Eggs (up to two per day, unlimited egg whites but watch the yolks if you have high cholesterol)
- Dairy products (low fat, below 5% fat)
- Sweeteners (except fructose based), vinegar, mustard, spices, herbs, garlic, onion (as spice), lemon juice (only as spice, not for drinking), sugar free natural ketchup (in moderation), sugar free chewing gum
Cruise Phase -
Once you finished the Attack Phase the next goal is to achieve your target weight. This is done while on the Cruise Phase – an alternating rhythm of pure protein days and vegetable & protein days.
A healthy weight loss is about two pounds per week. It can seem slow after a successful attack phase, however this speed is better for long term results – for example your skin has time to shrink not leaving empty flabs behind.
Cruise Phase Rhythms
- 5PP + 5PV
The original rhythm alternating every five days. However as five days is a long time it is considered to be tougher to follow and requires higher motivation. - 1PP + 1PV
Dr. Dukan now prefers the one day rhythm, as it often has similar effects to the 5/5 one, while it is easier on the dieter. - 2PP + 5PV
This rhythm is better for people who are older, and/or weaker and don’t have many pounds to lose. The weight loss will be slower using this method though than the other two above.
Vegetable and Protein days
Allowed vegetables include:
- Artichoke
- Asparagus
- Aubergine
- Broccoli
- Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussel sprouts
- Celery
- Chicory
- Courgette
- Cucumber
- Fennel
- French beans
- Leeks
- Mushrooms
- Onion
- Peppers
- Pumpkin
- Radish
- Salad leaves
- Sorrel
- Soya beans
- Spinach
- Swede
- Swiss chard
- Tomatoes
- Turnip
Cruise Phase Diet Rules
You can now increase the oat bran intake to 2 tablespoons per day.Another suggested change is increasing from 20 minutes of exercise to 30 minutes of brisk walking per day.
Just because you are allowed vegetables do not eliminate protein produce from a PV day. After all it is called Protein & Vegetables not Pure Vegetables for a reason.
Consolidation Phase -
So! You've finished the second phase of the Dukan diet – the Cruise phase and achieved your goal weight! Now on to the third phase – Consolidation.
This is the moment when all your hard work has payed off, you got to your target weight, but you are under a huge risk of yo-yo – gaining it all back, if you don't watch what you eat carefully. The upside is, you can now add many tasty products, that were forbidden on the Cruise phase, as you no longer need to lose weight – just keep up the weight you are at and not gain any more.
The simple rule is – for every one pound you lost, you need to be on the Consolidation phase for 5 days. So if you've lost 30lb, you need to be on phase 3 for 150days.
This phase is all about a controlled way to get back to normal, but still healthy eating. You have learned a lot about food, cooking and nutrition during the Cruise phase. Now you can expand that knowledge and put it to good use while re-introducing new foods to your diet.
Apart from the products allowed in the previous phases, you will now be able to have: bread, fruit, cheeses and some starchy products. You will also be able to have some other foods that were forbidden up till now thanks to the celebration meals, but you need to precisely follow the rules:
1 portion of fruit a day
Pretty much any fruit except from bananas, cherries and dried fruit. 1 portion is one piece: an apple, a pear, an orange, a small bowl of strawberries, a handful of berries, a few plums, etc.2 pieces of wholegrain bread a day
You can have them in any given moment of the day: breakfast, as sandwiches, with soup.40grams of cheese a day
You can have any: gouda, swiss cheeses, cheddar. Avoid goat cheeses, camembert, roquefort. It's best to have the whole portion at one go, to avoid having too much.2 portions of starchy products a week
Avoid white rice and potatoes.Pasta – for best results have the wholegrain ones and cook them al dente (the it will take longer for the body to process). Don't use cream or butter while preparing the dish and stick to no more than 220g boiled weight.
Wholegrain rice – same amount as the pasta.
Lentil and beans
Pork & Lamb
Once a week you can have some lamb and pork, though try to have the lean parts.Celebration Meals
Two times a week you can have celebration meals. That can be anything. YES, it can be pizza or french fries and ice cream, but there are rules:- Never have another serving, it's about enjoying the tastes and not overindulging yourself
- Between one celebration meal and the next one, there should be at least a days difference, so if you had one for Sunday dinner, you should not have another one Monday for breakfast. You have to give your body time to burn the excess calories.
- It's best to actually chose a time you can actually 'celebrate' this meal and not rush yourself. Maybe have something fatty, but prepare it yourself at home. It could be a starter (a white roll), the main dish (deep fried chicken), dessert (a piece of cake) and a glass of wine. You just need to remember not to have more than one serving.
Protein Day
Last but not least: 1 day of pure protein (PP) a week. That is the guarantee you will not gain weight. On this one day, you can only eat the foods allowed in the Attack phase.It's just one more effort, that goes a long way, to support your new, healthy weight. It's best to chose a Thursday, as it's usually the least busy day, without the weekend guests or the Monday cravings.
Stabilization Phase -
Congratulations! You got to the Stabilisation Phase and you really do deserve a pat on the back.
You have achieved a massive goal – managed to lose weight and keep it off. And even though the risks of your body trying to gain weight are behind you, there is always a risk that your mind will betray you, and suggest that since you lost so much weight, you can now go back to simply eating whatever.
The last phase is a set of rules for life, which are there not to constrict you but to guide you, so that you never gain weight again and live a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.
The Rules of the Stabilization Phase
You stick to the Protein Thursday
You can eat whatever you want for six days a week, but the Protein Only day will be your way to remember the effort you have put in to achieve your new, healthy body.Although Dr. Dukan insists on choosing Thursday as your Protein Only day if you really find some other hey more convenient and easier to stick to then go for it. But you do need to remember to observe your chosen day, and not try to change it every week or two.
Keep Your Activity High
You do not need to suddenly become an exercise freak, however remember the simple lessons learned during your weight loss phases.If you don't do sports, as not everybody can or has to, just keep active during the day – use the stairs instead of the lift, take a walk instead of driving everywhere in a car. Simple actions to avoid a sedentary life include some of the examples below:
- Take the stairs instead of the lift
- Avoid riding office chairs with wheels - get up and walk even if it is just a few metres away
- Try and walk just that little bit extra - get on one bus/tube stop earlier or later
- Walk to the grocery store instead of driving
Eat Oat Bran Daily
Why? It helps with your digestion, and mixed with other food it reduces the amount of calories absorbed. It also swells in the stomach so you feel fuller for longer. Eating it daily, will help you with cravings and make you eat that little bit less.Other Good Advice
When it comes to the rest of your food – trust yourselves. You have come a long way, learned a lot about nutrition, and what is good for your body and what is not. Also, your body is now used to the new food and it will also guide you as to what and how much you should eat as long as you are willing to keep listening to it.It's good to stick to 'lighter' products and only eat hard cheeses occasionally. Too much fat is simply not good for the body, especially for the heart.
The 'low sugar' products though are a different (and more complicated) story, as recent studies show that using artificial sweeteners does not actually help the body that much in tackling cravings because the body recognises the artificial sugars.
However, in small amounts, like diet drinks, sugar-free chewing gum etc, they are allowed.
At meal time – try to take your time, and eat slowly. That way you give yourself time to feel when you are actually full.
Try to not take second helpings of anything. Most of the time it's only your brain being greedy.
Drink while you eat, it will make you eat a bit slower and fills up the stomach too.
... And if you gain a few pounds? Don't wait until you gain a few more. Have two Protein Days a week and that should help to get you back on track
In theory, it seems pretty simple. There is a book associated with the diet that I might pick up - it includes recipes and other information about the diet. I really think the toughest part will be working to stay on the diet while Chris isn't on the diet. That's usually been my biggest struggle. I don't want him to feel like he should follow the same diet I do - but it can still be tough to be the only one in the house following a stricter dietary plan. We'll see how it works.
If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts about the diet plan (or any diet plan) - please share them...
Until next time -- happy dabbling! :)
Dabbling in Fitness: Off Track
Every once in awhile I get off track. Usually it's some deviation from my normal schedule (vacation, working late, extra weeknight plans). This time - it was medical. I got a migraine on Tuesday and it knocked my whole week off track. Which is pretty normal. While a migraine usually only knocks me out of work for a day - it saps all of my energy for 3 or 4 days. So, I haven't worked out since last Sunday. (Although, I did kick butt on that front last weekend - a run AND 2 rounds of yoga including the hard ab workout...)
So, here we are on Saturday - and I NEED to get back to it. My struggle for today is that there is SO much to get done before Chris' parents get here tomorrow. (Haircut, clean the house, grocery shopping and several other things I'm sure I'm not remembering right now...)
The weird thing is - my body must miss running. I had two dreams last night about running... where I was running wihtout walk breaks and running fast! Crazy! I suppose there's only one way to make those dreams come true... run more.
Well, if I'm going to get anything done, I'd finish up the blogging and do it...
Until next time - happy dabbling! :)
So, here we are on Saturday - and I NEED to get back to it. My struggle for today is that there is SO much to get done before Chris' parents get here tomorrow. (Haircut, clean the house, grocery shopping and several other things I'm sure I'm not remembering right now...)
The weird thing is - my body must miss running. I had two dreams last night about running... where I was running wihtout walk breaks and running fast! Crazy! I suppose there's only one way to make those dreams come true... run more.
Well, if I'm going to get anything done, I'd finish up the blogging and do it...
Until next time - happy dabbling! :)
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Dabbling in the Kitchen: Jambalaya Improvisation
This morning my tired, foggy brain told me to defrost shrimp. I had no idea what I was going to make with it, but I did it anyway.
Then I spent most of my afternoon racking my brain (and scouring the internet) for something to make out of shrimp, andouille sausage, rice and broccoli. One thing kept popping up: Jambalaya. The problem? No tomatoes. Not canned, not fresh, not any.
Until I realized: SALSA! Yup, right there on the third shelf I found a nearly full jar of salsa. (Which shouldn't be a shocker, life without salsa is no life at all in my book.)
So, I decided to do a little improvisation.
I cut up the andouille (4 sausages) and started to saute it in a little olive oil. Then I added a can of black beans and a pound of large shrimp. I started to let it all saute together when I poured the (nearly full) jar of salsa over the top.
I brought it to a boil and had it boil for 5 minutes. Then I took it and spooned it over white rice.
It was pretty good! Chris liked liked it and it must've smelled awfully good to the canine crowd because Dex couldn't stop begging. I think it could've used more tomato - but that's probably because I like a good tomato-y soup or jambalaya. :)
I also had enough for some leftovers - so lunch is lookin' up for tomorrow! :) I've found that with some spicy dishes - especially if they've got some tomato in them - get a little richer and tastier after they soak for a bit and are reheated.
As much as I like to have a plan on the outset of making dinner (or really, doing anything), sometimes it's good mental exercise to improvise. And most of the time you end up with a fairly good meal at the end!
Plus - I got to keep my broccoli for another meal! (I'm thinking it'll hit the spot with some chicken this weekend...)
Until next time - happy eating!
Then I spent most of my afternoon racking my brain (and scouring the internet) for something to make out of shrimp, andouille sausage, rice and broccoli. One thing kept popping up: Jambalaya. The problem? No tomatoes. Not canned, not fresh, not any.
Until I realized: SALSA! Yup, right there on the third shelf I found a nearly full jar of salsa. (Which shouldn't be a shocker, life without salsa is no life at all in my book.)
So, I decided to do a little improvisation.
I cut up the andouille (4 sausages) and started to saute it in a little olive oil. Then I added a can of black beans and a pound of large shrimp. I started to let it all saute together when I poured the (nearly full) jar of salsa over the top.
I brought it to a boil and had it boil for 5 minutes. Then I took it and spooned it over white rice.
It was pretty good! Chris liked liked it and it must've smelled awfully good to the canine crowd because Dex couldn't stop begging. I think it could've used more tomato - but that's probably because I like a good tomato-y soup or jambalaya. :)
I also had enough for some leftovers - so lunch is lookin' up for tomorrow! :) I've found that with some spicy dishes - especially if they've got some tomato in them - get a little richer and tastier after they soak for a bit and are reheated.
As much as I like to have a plan on the outset of making dinner (or really, doing anything), sometimes it's good mental exercise to improvise. And most of the time you end up with a fairly good meal at the end!
Plus - I got to keep my broccoli for another meal! (I'm thinking it'll hit the spot with some chicken this weekend...)
Until next time - happy eating!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Dabbling in Fitness: Running (well, sort of)
After months of not running (it's been since the Shamrock Shuffle in March - before that since September), I finally pulled on my running shoes and hit the road.
Well, I suppose that's not entirely true. I did 2 rounds of 15-minute yoga first. After 30 minutes of stretching and holding and getting nice and warmed up, then I tied on my shoes, strapped on my wrist weights and hit the road. (I did the 15 minute ab workout and a 15 minute total body workout - so great.)
Why the wrist weights? I'm hoping to have some killer arms by the time summer gets here - so I'm *hoping* running and walking with wrist weights will boost my other workouts to give me awesomely toned upper arms.
They're not much - just two pounders.
The wrist weights are enough to add a little more burn but not enough to make it harder to run. Hopefully after a few weeks of regularly running and walking with them I'll move up to a heavier weight. We'll see.
BUT - before I get too far ahead of myself. The run.
Since it was my first run out I didn't go as far as I used to. I went 1.65 miles. (Usually I go 2.5 miles.) I figured I should start a little shorter and work my way back up.
I admit that there was more walking than running (per usual), but I've gotta start somewhere, right? The hardest part of the run? Leaving. Here's why - Dexter was BEGGING to go with me. I didn't take him with me for one big reason: the last time I went on a solo-run with Dexter I came home with a stress fracture. I'm told that he whined and cried the entire time I was gone (30 minutes or so). Breaks my heart a bit, but better that than my leg...
So, I did a few dynamic stretches to make sure I was super warmed up. I felt slightly silly doing butt kicks and arm swings as I walked the first few minutes - but it helped me feel extra warmed up.
I do admit it felt GOOD to run every few blocks. I didn't push myself too hard - partially because it was WINDY out there. Gusts that felt like they were 15-25 miles per hour. And when you're running into the wind - it's not helpful. Oh well. Just an added challenge.
Out of my 30 minute, 1.65 mile run I ran 4 times. Each time I tried to go about a block or a block and a half before stopping. It was harder to judge how far I was going once I got onto the bike path - but I still challenged myself to go a little further than I thought I could go, so that's good. In retrospect, I think I could've pushed myself a little more. I'm hoping that I remember that the next time I go out.
It felt really good to get back out there. Which means I've got a new, small goal for myself. Run once a week. Once I've done that for a few weeks I'll challenge myself to twice a week. Then three times a week after that. Then I'll be back where I was before the stress fracture. I figure small steps are better than no steps! :)
Once I got back, I took Dexter back out - and since he was trotting along basically begging me to run with him. I then decided to run him a short distance - just half of the cul de sac I warmed up on. He LOVED it. :)
Until next time!
Well, I suppose that's not entirely true. I did 2 rounds of 15-minute yoga first. After 30 minutes of stretching and holding and getting nice and warmed up, then I tied on my shoes, strapped on my wrist weights and hit the road. (I did the 15 minute ab workout and a 15 minute total body workout - so great.)
Why the wrist weights? I'm hoping to have some killer arms by the time summer gets here - so I'm *hoping* running and walking with wrist weights will boost my other workouts to give me awesomely toned upper arms.
They're not much - just two pounders.
The wrist weights are enough to add a little more burn but not enough to make it harder to run. Hopefully after a few weeks of regularly running and walking with them I'll move up to a heavier weight. We'll see.
BUT - before I get too far ahead of myself. The run.
Since it was my first run out I didn't go as far as I used to. I went 1.65 miles. (Usually I go 2.5 miles.) I figured I should start a little shorter and work my way back up.
I admit that there was more walking than running (per usual), but I've gotta start somewhere, right? The hardest part of the run? Leaving. Here's why - Dexter was BEGGING to go with me. I didn't take him with me for one big reason: the last time I went on a solo-run with Dexter I came home with a stress fracture. I'm told that he whined and cried the entire time I was gone (30 minutes or so). Breaks my heart a bit, but better that than my leg...
So, I did a few dynamic stretches to make sure I was super warmed up. I felt slightly silly doing butt kicks and arm swings as I walked the first few minutes - but it helped me feel extra warmed up.
I do admit it felt GOOD to run every few blocks. I didn't push myself too hard - partially because it was WINDY out there. Gusts that felt like they were 15-25 miles per hour. And when you're running into the wind - it's not helpful. Oh well. Just an added challenge.
Out of my 30 minute, 1.65 mile run I ran 4 times. Each time I tried to go about a block or a block and a half before stopping. It was harder to judge how far I was going once I got onto the bike path - but I still challenged myself to go a little further than I thought I could go, so that's good. In retrospect, I think I could've pushed myself a little more. I'm hoping that I remember that the next time I go out.
It felt really good to get back out there. Which means I've got a new, small goal for myself. Run once a week. Once I've done that for a few weeks I'll challenge myself to twice a week. Then three times a week after that. Then I'll be back where I was before the stress fracture. I figure small steps are better than no steps! :)
Once I got back, I took Dexter back out - and since he was trotting along basically begging me to run with him. I then decided to run him a short distance - just half of the cul de sac I warmed up on. He LOVED it. :)
Until next time!
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