Saturday, January 15, 2011


I meant to blog last night - then we went to a movie instead.

I'm feeling the annual winter blahs. Not a lot of energy to do anything - especially since it's Saturday. Oh, well. I'm sure once the sun comes out I'll be in a better mood.

I had a pretty good week - book club and dinner club and a date night with Chris. Ate at two fantastic restaurants (Graze Thursday for dinner club & Vintage Friday for date night). Chris & I saw "The Green Hornet" after dinner - it was pretty good. Not having a lot of historical knowledge of the original show it was nice to go in with no real expectations.

One interesting thing from the week - I got a summons to report for jury dutey. Or as Chris described it "jury duty auditions." Since the time they asked me to appear is smack-dab in the middle of our ratings period, I did request a postponement. We'll see if tv ratings periods are enough to push jury duty back a few weeks...

Working out was a non-existant effort this week... I've discovered that I really need 8 full hours of sleep - and waking up early to work out before work is so much harder in the winter. It's all dark and super cold and stuff. Blech. I really do enjoy burrowing further under the blankets for another hour of sleep to getting up in the cold, dark morning. Next week we'll head back to the gym for classes. We'll just have to keep going and remember to stop planning things on Tuesdays & Thursdays until we're really in a good routine.

One thing I'm really excited about for this week is our free "class" on snowshoeing at REI on Wednesday night. I've wanted to learn to snowshoe for a long time - and I'm hoping the free class at REI will get Chris excited to try it out with me. We will see... I might just have to rent some snowshoes and make him go out with me... ;)

I started a new photo project this week -- "Bed Head" is what I'm calling it. The new short hairstyle has created some pretty amusing morning bedhead and I've decided to capture it as a 365 project. We'll see how it goes - and just how crazy my hair gets!

Well, I should probably get off of the couch and help Chris clean up around the house. Or at least I should get off of the computer. It's Saturday - time for fun and relaxation! :)

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